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What happened to Alfred at the end of Arkham Knight?

What happened to Alfred at the end of Arkham Knight?

While Batman was fighting Bane, Alfred contacted Captain Gordon because he was afraid that Bruce would die in the battle between him and Bane. But Alfred was saved by Bruce before he died, through reviving him with the Electrocutioner’s Shock Gloves.

What happened to Alfred in Batman Arkham Knight?

No, he didn’t died! He destroyed the Bat-Cave and everything it contained. So people assumed that Batman is no more. In the ending, the same family as Waynes were passing there way to the alley.

Did Alfred and Bruce die Arkham Knight?

After his unmasking at the hands of Scarecrow, Batman eventually returned to the GCPD Lockup and took one last look of the city he had sworn to protect. Mere seconds after entering Wayne Manor, most of the building detonated, apparently killing Bruce and Alfred — It was never revealed if they survived the blast.

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What is the true ending to Batman Arkham Knight?

Arkham Knight’s main campaign concludes with Scarecrow in custody and dosed with his own fear toxin, the Arkham Knight unmasked as a brainwashed Jason Todd, and Batman’s true identity revealed to the world. This is how the Batman died.”

Does Batman Trust Alfred?

Alfred is one of Batman’s closest allies. Out of everyone in the Bat-family, Alfred is arguably the most loyal and least likely to ever betray anyone. However, no matter how loyal Alfred is, that doesn’t mean there haven’t been times where The Dark Knight disappointed his butler.

Is Alfred Batman Dead?

Alfred in the main continuity may have been murdered by Bane, yet his presence remains in the form of flashbacks, drug-induced hallucinations, and in the case of Robin, a ghostly father figure offering “old man gibberish.” Since his death in Tom King and Tony Daniel’s City of Bane arc, Alfred has remained dead for an …

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What is protocol knightfall?

The Knightfall Protocol was the last of Batman’s backup plans, to be deployed only when his secret identity was compromised in order to protect those closest to him. The Knightfall Protocol was likely named after the Knightfall story arc of the Batman comics, though it has little in common in terms of a plot device.

Who killed Bruce Wayne Arkham Knight?

In Detective Comics #235 (1956), Batman learns that Chill was not a mere mugger, but actually a hitman who murdered the Waynes on orders from a mob boss named Lew Moxon.

Is Alfred ex military?

During the Silver Age, Alfred was an ex-soldier who fought in World War II, and also had a history as an actor before he became a butler to the Waynes. Other stories over the years have also placed him as an ex-butler to the Royal Family, having come from a long line of butlers.