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What happened to Robin during the Timeskip?

What happened to Robin during the Timeskip?

Robin also progressed in terms of strength during the time-skip. She managed to improve the usage of her Hana Hana no Mi and could produce a thousand limbs at once instead of a hundred. In theory, Robin got ten times stronger after the time-skip.

What episode did Nico Robin become white?

The Seventh One is Nico Robin!” is the 130th episode of the One Piece anime.

Why did Nico Robin skin color change?

Originally Answered: In One Piece, why did Nico Robin’s brown skin turn into white? Robin was always supposed to be light-skinned. What happened was that Oda had not produced a colored image of her before she first appeared in the anime, and so Toei made a guess about her skin color that turned out to be wrong.

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Where does Nico Robin go?

Nico Robin joined the Straw Hat Pirates at the end of the Alabasta arc because she wanted to die and Luffy chose to go against her decision and saved her life. Having nowhere to go, she ended up staying with the crew until the events of Water 7 transpired.

Why did they whitewash Zoro?

In Japan, being white is a sign of being rich and wealthy since the working class is out in the fields so they would obviously have a darker skin tone. It’s been like this for thousands of years. Oda is appealing to the wealthier class.

How old is robin before Timeskip?

Robin was 28 years old pre-timeskip, and 30 years old post-timeskip. Franky was 34 years old pre-timeskip, and 36 years old post-timeskip. Brook was 38 years old at the time of his death, 88 years old pre-timeskip, and 90 years old post-timeskip. Source: The One Piece wiki.

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How old is Robin after Timeskip?

Robin de-aged to eighteen years old. Afterwards when Z awakes and Luffy tells him they’re all pirates a large battle breaks out.

Why didn’t they change Robin’s Tan between episodes?

When they realized their mistake, they realized that they couldn’t very well just suddenly change it between episodes, so instead they waited until after the Time Skip, since everyone’s character designs were going through some changes anyway. Robin losing her tan was no more strange than Ussop’s gains, Zoro’s facial scar, or Franky’s rebuild.

Did Zoro and Robin come back lighter skinned?

After the two-year time skip, Zoro and Robin came back lighter skinned. I would have thought nothing of it, but after searching for “fishman racism” on Google, I ran into an article on Oda’s racism towards “ethnic” people.

Why hasn’t Robin had a fight since one piece?

Sadly, however, she hasn’t had a substantive fight since then. One Piece got a hold of a female character that was made for fighting and killing and has hardly used her in key action scenes, despite Robin having one of the most overpowered abilities for combat ever.

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What did Robin use to push the Thousand Sunny away?

Robin calmly commented that it is a rare sight and started sketching it. Even though the Monster Trio left the ship using Barefoot Coating to fight the Kraken, the sea monster aimed for the Thousand Sunny. Robin uses Mil Fleur to push the Thousand Sunny away from an undersea mountain.