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What happens if a cat eats moth balls?

What happens if a cat eats moth balls?

Mothballs contain a high concentration of insect repellent. Toxicity most commonly occurs when cats or dogs ingest mothballs. Ingestion of naphthalene mothballs can cause anemia, lethargy, vomiting, and sometimes damage to the kidneys or liver.

Do moth balls help keep cats away?

While mothballs can be extremely toxic to both cats and dogs, they can be safely used as a cat repellent to keep stray cats out of your yard. The smell of the mothballs deters the cats, but the cats are unable to eat or come in contact with the ingredients.

What animals do moth balls attract?

“Often, mothballs are used in these locations to control pests other than clothes moths,” Stone said. They include squirrels, skunks, deer, mice, rats, dogs, cats, raccoons, moles, snakes, pigeons and a variety of other animals.

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Are mothballs safe around pets?

Mothballs are designed to be used in a sealed container to limit the spread of the vapors. When used and stored properly, they are relatively safe to have in a home with pets. Mothball ingestions make up a small percentage of calls to Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 animal poison control center.

How long does it take mothballs to dissolve?

How Long Does it Take for Mothballs to Dissipate? One mothball in open air takes 3-6 months to dissipate entirely. If you place the mothball underneath clothing or otherwise not in open air, it will take up to 12 months to completely dissipate.

Is it illegal to use mothballs outside?

Using mothballs to repel pests in the garden presents a danger to children, pets and wildlife that visit your garden. Mothballs are insecticides that are controlled by the Environmental Protection Agency. This makes it illegal to use them for any purpose or by any method that isn’t specified on the label.

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Are mothballs harmful to pets?

Long-term exposure to mothball fumes can harm pets and people. Ingestion of naphthalene mothballs can cause gastrointestinal upset and less frequently, anemia, neurologic signs, and kidney or liver damage. Modern PDB mothballs are less toxic but can still cause illness, especially when ingested.

Will moth balls repel animals?

Mothballs are pesticides that slowly release a gas vapor to kill and repel moths (and their larvae) and other insects. Mothballs are also used to repel snakes, mice, and other animals, though this use is not recommended and can be harmful to pets, children, and the environment.

How long are mothballs toxic?

a box of para-dichlorobenzene mothballs left together in the box with the lid cut open and placed in a closet or under clothing may last for more than a year. a single naphthalene mothball in open air may dissipate in a 3-6 months.

Can mothball smell hurt you?

The chemicals in mothballs are toxic to humans and pets. People are exposed to the chemicals in mothballs by inhaling the fumes. Some of the chemicals in mothballs can cause reversible health effects that include headaches, nausea, eye and nose irritation and coughing.

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Is it safe to put mothballs in the yard?

The fumes from mothballs kill clothes moths, their eggs and larvae that eat natural fibers in indoor storage areas, such as closets, attics and basements. Mothballs are not intended to be used outdoors. The active ingredients can contaminate water and soil, harm wildlife, and contribute to air pollution.

Will mothballs keep animals out of my garden?

While mothballs are meant to keep moths away from clothing, wool blankets and similar stored goods, some people have used them to keep animals away from gardens or even out of the attic. Although many animals find the stench unappealing, placing moth balls in mulch or otherwise using them outdoors is not a good idea.