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What happens if a clan leader is inactive?

What happens if a clan leader is inactive?

Inactive Clan Leaders are sent messages and notifications encouraging them to login and manage their Clan again. The Clan Leader has 14 days to come back to the game before the status is given away. After a total of 35 days of inactivity, the Leader role is given to a Co-leader or an Elder of the Clan.

How do you become a clan leader?

Clan Leadership 101

  1. Define a clear purpose and pass it along to your fellow clan members.
  2. Get to know and understand your clan and its makeup.
  3. Listen to your clan members.
  4. Delegate authority.
  5. Have a good time.
  6. Make sure everybody else is also having a good time.
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How do you hack a clan leader in clash of clans?

No, there are no such hacks. But if both the leader and co leader are inactive then you can report it in supercell forums. They will transfer the leadership to you if the leaders are inactive for 3 months. Or else, if you know the leader personally, snatch his phone and make yourself leader.

How do I get rid of clan leader?

There is no possible way to remove inactive leaders from clans. This seems to be a reoccurring problem in a lot of good clans and I feel bad for them because those clans die, but in the end you just have to accept it and find a new clan. Or if you are coleader, send a mail telling members to go to your new clan.

How many leaders can a clan have?

There can only be one leader in a clan. You can, however, make someone a ‘co-leader’, a position the has all the powers that a leader has, such as starting wars. A co-leader, however, cannot demote or kick out a leader/co-leader. The leader solely possesses those powers.

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Can we hack clan in COC?

It’s important to understand that hacking Clash of Clans—that is, changing the game’s code to give yourself extra resources or items—is impossible, and attempting to do so will typically result in your Android phone or computer being infected with a virus.

Can Co leaders start a clan war?

Leaders and Co-leaders can take their Clan to War by opening the Clan War screen and pressing the “Start War” button. The Leader selects the Clan members who will participate in the Clan War.

How many leaders can there be in a clan?

Can you change leaders in clash of clans?

90 days of inactivity Only Co-leaders and Elders can be appointed as new Leaders. Leader status will never be given to a Member, regardless of how long they have been in the Clan, their activity, or what ranks they might have held in the Clan in the past.

What is a clan leader?

The Clan Leader (Na’vi name: Olo’eyktan) is the most important member of a Na’vi clan and is similar to a chieftain. The leader is in charge of the clan and may rule along with their mate.