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What happens if we fail in class 8?

What happens if we fail in class 8?

The Rajya Sabha passed the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2019 by a voice vote. This Bill provides for a regular examination in classes V and VIII and if the child fails, he or she shall be given additional opportunity for re-examination in two months’ time.

What happens if you fail 1 subject in 12th board?

For few board of education such as CBSE, if one fails in any one of their subjects whether it is main or extra then he/she will be regraded to be a fail. Every board takes the re-exam on the given time. This is called supplementary/compartment exam. After giving this exam one can improve his/her marks in that subject.

What happens if I fail in 6th class in 11th?

According to CBSE, If a student has taken 6 subjects, and if he/she fails in any one of the first five subjects, the same will be replaced by the 6th subject provided the candidate satisfies the scheme of studies i.e. after replacement either Hindi or English remains as one of the main five subjects.

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Is it difficult to pass the Sanskrit language exam?

If you are thinking of just passing the Sanskrit language exam, then it is a little difficult task. You need too lean Sanskrit as a language and not as a subject. Learn it the way you have learnt other languages, practice and have conversation with yourself in Sanskrit. You will find it very interesting.

How to learn Sanskrit grammar for Class 6 to 12?

Sanskrit Grammar (Sanskrit Vyakaran) for Classes 6 to 12 Sanskrit grammar covers all the concepts right from basic to advanced. You can go through the different chapters existing for easy learning. Students of Classes 6 to 12 can use the Chapter Wise Topics for Sanskrit prevailing and have a deeper understanding of basics.

How do I prepare for the 9th standard for learning Sanskrit?

Sanskrit becomes application based and conceptual, 9th standard onwards because you start using and applying the concepts you have learnt in Sanskrit till class 8. If you’re a CBSE student I’d suggest, practise your back exercises question-answers well.

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How can I learn Sanskrit Vyakaran easily and fast?

You can learn Sanskrit Vyakaran easily and fastly if you go through the resources available systematically. Notes and Study Material prevailing here regarding the Sanskrit Grammar will make it easy for you to access the topics and get a grip on the Subject.