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What happens if you comment 35 black?

What happens if you comment 35 black?

If you try to post 35. black on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll receive a pop-up message that says: You can’t share this link. Your comment couldn’t be shared, because the link goes against our Community Standards.

Why can’t I comment on Facebook posts?

The primary reason you are not able to comment on Facebook is that you have been blocked by Facebook. Yeah, Facebook has every right to block you if you don’t follow the rules and violate Facebook’s privacy policy. In extreme cases, Facebook can also put you in Facebook Jail.

Why does Facebook show more comments than there are?

There can be a couple of reasons for this. A comment has been posted and is reflected in the count, but is not yet showing for you. A comment has been deleted and the count hasn’t properly updated yet. the second comment is posted by someone you have blocked or someone who has blocked you.

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Why I can post 35 black on Facebook?

Theres no official explanation as to why this term can’t be commented. In the message, it refers to this comment as a link, thus some people have guessed that 35. black is a forbidden website. If you try to post 35.

How do I limit comments on Facebook posts?

To restrict comments on a Facebook post: Go to the desired post on your profile for which you want to restrict the comments. Click the three-dot option on the top-right corner of the post. Click on ‘Who can comment on your post.

Can someone hide your Facebook comments?

Options for social media managers Hiding the Facebook comment will keep it hidden from everyone except that person and their friends. They won’t know that the comment is hidden, so you can avoid potential fallout. Deleting the Facebook comment will erase it; no one will be able to see it.

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Why does 35 black mean?

black is a forbidden website. Maybe there was a website with the URL “35. black” that might’ve been promoting malicious activities or adult content or maybe voiding Facebook policies in some ways or other and hence the URL was blacklisted by Facebook and its Servers.