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What happens if you put antifreeze in a pie?

What happens if you put antifreeze in a pie?

What Did Elle Put In The Pumpkin Pie? During the episode, Elle is looking for something to bake into her pie that will poison Campbell and she decides to go with antifreeze, a common household item. As Elle knows, antifreeze can produce ethylene glycol poisoning because of its ingredients.

Who died from the pumpkin pie in the society?

The one time he’s nice to her and its when no one wants it. People end up getting poisoned, including Elle in a suicide attempt/coverup. All make out alive, though. Campbell eventually discovers that it was Elle’s pie that contained poison.

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What happens if you inject antifreeze into your body?

As your body continues to break down the antifreeze over the next several hours, the chemical can interfere with your kidney, lung, brain, and nervous system function. Organ damage can occur 24 to 72 hours after ingestion. You may also develop: rapid breathing.

Do they eat the pie in the society?

The guard also questions Elle, and Campbell almost immediately realizes that it was her. He says that he ate part of her pumpkin pie too (which he did not), but he didn’t get sick, so it couldn’t have been her cooking.

What happens to Elle in the society?

Many of the residents of New Ham had eaten some of the pie, including Allie. To stop others from eating any more, Elle forced herself to eat the remaining pieces, as she did not want to be responsible for several deaths of New Ham’s residents. After leaving, Elle had gotten a seizure and locked herself in the bathroom.

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What happens to Luke in the society?

In the end, Luke is forced to be a part of The Guard, though is uncertain about his position. In “What Happened?”, Luke convinces Emily to join him and Grizz on the expedition.

Does Sam tell Grizz he’s not the father?

Fibbing, Sam tells Grizz that he and Becca would often have sleepovers, and that they were lonely and decided to sleep together. Rather than defending himself to Grizz that he’s not really the father, Sam holds firm onto his promise to Becca, refusing to deny his role in the baby’s life.

What happens if you drink brake fluid?

Individuals who ingest ethylene glycol may present to an emergency department with complaints of confusion, difficulty in walking (ataxia), hallucinations, and slurred speech. They may also have gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Sometimes the presentation may be tetany and seizures.

Who is Lexie in the society?

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Grace Victoria Cox
Lexie is a recurring character in the first season of The Society. She is portrayed by Grace Victoria Cox.

Will alcoholics drink antifreeze?

Drinking antifreeze is common among alcoholics – especially among the homeless population – because it’s a cheaper and more abundant alternative to more expensive alcoholic drinks.

How do I know if I’m being poisoned?

General symptoms feeling and being sick. diarrhoea. stomach pain. drowsiness, dizziness or weakness.