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What happens to fringe width if immersed in water?

What happens to fringe width if immersed in water?

Answer: If the Young’s apparatus is immersed in water, the effect on fringe width will be narrower. The wavelength of light is less in water than in air. Hence, the fringe width will decrease.

What happens to fringe width if YDSE is performed in water?

Since frequency remains the same, therefore the wavelength must decrease. The formula for fringe width is λD/d. Thus, fringe width decreases in water because wavelength of light decreases.

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What change will occur in YDSE if the whole apparatus is immersed in water rather than air?

Assertion (A) : If the whole apparatus of YDSE is immersed in a liquid, then the fringe width will decrease Reason (R ) : The wavelength of light in water is more than that of air.

What happens to fringe width when YDSE arrangement is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 4 3?

In a Young’s double slit experiment, the fringe width is found to be 0.4mm. If the whole apparatus is immersed in water of refractive index 4//3 without disturbing the geometrical arrangement, the new fringe width will be. ⇒λ′=0.3mm.

What is the effect on interference fringes in YDSE if width of source slit is increased?

As the source slit width increase, fringe pattern gets less and less sharp. When the source slit is so wide the above condition does not satisfied and the interference pattern disappears. (iii) The interference pattern due to different colour component of white light overlap.

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What changes in the interference pattern in YDSE will be observed when?

Answer: In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringe width is given by β=Dλ/d=Dc/dv Clearly, (i) When light of smaller frequency (v) is used, fringe width increases. (ii) Wavelength of light in water decreases, so fringe width (β∝λ) also decreases.

What happens to the fringe pattern when the Youngs Double is performed in water?

This means the speed of light decreases in water as a result wavelength also decreases in water as frequency remains unchanged. Now let us use the formula for fringe width which is given below. From the equation, we can see that fringe width is directly proportional to the wavelength.

What changes are observed in a differential pattern if the whole apparatus is immersed in water?

What changes are observed in a diffraction pattern if the whole apparatus is immersed in water? Explanation: As the whole apparatus is now immersed in water, the wavelength of the light will change. Therefore, as the refractive index of water is greater than the air, the wavelength of light will decrease.

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What changes observed when the whole pattern is immersed in water?

What change is observed when the whole pattern is immersed in water? Explanation: When the whole apparatus of Young’s Double slit experiment is immersed in water, the only change is the pattern shrinks a bit. The width of the fringes decreases, as an external path difference is present because of the water. 6.

What is the formula of fringe width?

Derive the formula ω=2Dλ for fringe width in Young’s double slit experiment.

What is the effect on interference fringes in YDSE?

The light intensity produced by the slits increases with increased width of the slit. The screen thus develops brighter fringes as the slit width increases.