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What happens when you hold a metal bar above a flame?

What happens when you hold a metal bar above a flame?

QUESTIONS: When the Bunsen burner is lit, what happens to the rod just above it? Energy is transferred to the metal of the rod just above it. The thermal energy of this part of the rod increases and the rod becomes hot.

When you put a metal rod into a fire soon you will feel the rod becoming?

As we know that metal rod is a good conductor of heat. So, when we put one end of a metal rod on flame the heat easily passes to the other end of the rod. That is why we feel hot at another end.

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What happens when a metal rod is heated?

Metal expands when heated. Length, surface area and volume will increase with temperature. The scientific term for this is thermal expansion. Thermal expansion occurs because heat increases the vibrations of the atoms in the metal.

When one end of a metal rod is heated the other end gets heated by?

The other end of metal rod gets heated due to conduction. This is because conduction takes place due to vibration of atoms in a substance and convection takes place due to heat transfer with actual movement of particles. It is due to conduction.

What happens when you heat an iron rod on a flame?

Answer: When we heat an iron rod, some amount of heat energy that was absorbed by iron rod is emitted as light. First iron turns into red (lower energy corresponding to higher wavelength) and as the temperature rises it glows and turns into orange, yellow, blue respectively (higher energy and lower wavelength).

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What happens when a metal rod is cooled?

When a metal bar is cooled, the vibration of the molecules decreases due to which the spacing between the molecules decreases. This causes an increase in the attraction between the molecules and the molecules come closer. Thus, the length of the rod decreases.

What is metal rod?

Metal rods are specially formed pieces of metal and alloy that are shaped into a rod-like aesthetic hence the name. Metal rods are commonly used to give added support to a range of applications such as masonry structures.

When we heat a metal rod from one side the pins fall one by one from the side being heated Why?

The drawing pin farthest to the heat source will fall last as that wax will melt last. From this activity, we can conclude that heat travels through the hotter end to the colder end through a conductor. This process is known as conduction…

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What is the mode by which heat is transferred in solid substances?

In solids, heat passes from one point to another through conduction. In Liquids and gases, heat transfer takes place by convection.

What happens when you heat an iron rod on a flame do you find any change in colour while heating an iron rod?

When an iron rod is heated in a furnace, the colour of the iron rod first turns dull red and on further increase in temperature it changes to bright red to orange, then yellow, progressively white and then finally blue at the elevated temperatures.