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What has been Retconned in Star Wars?

What has been Retconned in Star Wars?

The four-part grand finale of The Clone Wars (“Old Friends Not Forgotten”, “The Phantom Apprentice”, “Shattered”, “Victory and Death”), released in 2020, retcons almost all of the details about the Siege of Mandalore and Ahsoka Tano and Rex’s survival of and escape from Order 66 given in the 2016 novel Ahsoka.

Did Star Wars get Retconned?

For now, the sequel trilogy does remain canon, and will likely stay that way. But just as we explained with the sequels being ‘deleted’, you can always pretend that they aren’t canon and that Rian Johnson, J.J.

Is Disney Retconning the sequel trilogy?

Lucasfilm Ltd. Ward — who has had scoops on the future of “Star Wars” in the past — told The Inverse that there’s no sign of Disney or Lucasfilm wanting to reboot the sequel trilogy. “There is nothing that makes me think anyone has any inkling of reworking the sequel trilogy.

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What it means retcon?

retroactive continuity
Retcon is a shortened form of retroactive continuity, and refers to a literary device in which the form or content of a previously established narrative is changed. The abbreviated form, retcon, started appearing in Usenet newsgroups before the end of the decade.

Are the Star Wars sequel canon?

Star Wars: The Sequel Trilogy Is Canon, But It Won’t Matter In The Future. Depending on where the future stories in the Star Wars world go, the issues that arose in the sequel trilogy may be inconsequential.

Is the new Starwars trilogy canon?

The sequel trilogy is the third installment of films of the Star Wars saga to be produced. As the canon saga developed, however, Lucas denied that a sequel trilogy would ever be made, stating that Star Wars was the story of Anakin Skywalker and that his story ended in Return of the Jedi.

Are there any retcons in the Clone Wars?

The Clone Wars made many retcons to established continuity when it debuted. However, the vast majority of the show’s retcons were rendered moot after the April 25, 2014 continuity reboot that shifted all of the media then retconned into the Legends continuity, leaving The Clone Wars film and series in Canon with the original and prequel trilogies.

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Did the Star Wars prequels retcon the original trilogy?

However, the Star Wars prequels qualified as “new source material,” and many fans have pointed out instances which apparently retcon elements of the original trilogy. Although the concept is older, the term “retroactive continuity” was popularized in 1983 by DC Comics writer Roy Thomas, and the shortened form “retcon” on Usenet in the late ’80s.

Will Han Solo end up in Jabba’s Palace before Return of the Jedi?

By the end of Star Wars: Darth Vader #14, it seems less likely that Han Solo will somehow end up in Jabba the Hutt’s Palace before Return of the Jedi. Warning! Spoilers for Darth Vader #14 ahead!

How long did the Old Republic exist in the Star Wars universe?

In Episode IV, Ben Kenobi says the Old Republic existed for a thousand generations, which Expanded Universe sources interpreted to mean 25,000 years. However, in Episode II, Palpatine said that the Republic had “stood for a thousand years”. This would be rectified in the Legends Expanded Universe with the creation of the Ruusan Reformation.