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What has the highest rate of star formation?

What has the highest rate of star formation?

A starburst galaxy is a galaxy undergoing an exceptionally high rate of star formation, as compared to the long-term average rate of star formation in the galaxy or the star formation rate observed in most other galaxies.

What type of star forms the fastest?

hypervelocity stars
But there is a class of so-called hypervelocity stars, or HVSs, that are moving with speeds high enough to escape the gravitational pull of the galaxy. Thus far, the fastest of these hypervelocity stars have been clocked at about 2 million miles per hour.

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What is the star formation rate?

The star formation rate is the total mass of stars formed per year, often given as solar masses per year. The star formation history is how stars formed over time and space, whether in short bursts or over longer periods.

Where does most star formation occur?

The clouds and interstellar gas and dust. Where does most star formation occur in the Milky Way galaxy today? In the spiral arms.

What type of galaxy has the most active star formation?

The most powerful active galaxies are quasars. They are among the brightest and most distant objects in the universe. A quasar may emit more energy than an entire galaxy of stars from a region no bigger than our own solar system.

Which quasar is the brightest as seen from Earth?

3C 273
3C 273 is a quasar located in the constellation of Virgo. It was the first quasar ever to be identified. It is the optically brightest quasar in the sky from Earth (m ~12.9), and one of the closest with a redshift, z, of 0.158.

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What type of star has the highest energy?

The greater the mass of a main sequence star, the higher its core temperature and the greater the rate of its hydrogen fusion. Higher-mass stars therefore produce more energy and are thus more luminous than lower mass ones.

What class of stars has the highest in our galaxy?

A blue giant is a huge, very hot, blue star. It is a post-main sequence star that burns helium. A supergiant is the largest known type of star; some are almost as large as our entire solar system. Betelgeuse and Rigel are supergiants….

V Main sequence stars (dwarf stars)
VI Subdwarf
VII White Dwarf

What are the highest rates of star formation 2 The largest individual galaxies in the universe known as?

Starburst galaxieshave the highest rates of star formation. 2. The largest individual galaxies in the universe are known as central dominant galaxies. 3.

Where does most star formation occur in a spiral galaxy?

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spiral arms
The final aspect of the formation of spiral galaxies is the on-going star formation evident in their thin disks. This star formation is usually on the leading edge of the spiral arms where the cold gas of the thin disk is compressed, and provides unequivocal evidence for on-going secular evolution in thin disks.

Which kinds of stars are most common in a newly formed star cluster?

What kinds of stars are most common in a newly formed star cluster? M stars. What law explains why a collapsing cloud usually forms a protostellar disk around a protostar?