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What influenced rock music?

What influenced rock music?

The immediate roots of rock and roll lay in the rhythm and blues, then called “race music”, in combination with either Boogie-woogie and shouting gospel or with country music of the 1940s and 1950s. Particularly significant influences were jazz, blues, gospel, country, and folk.

Who did the band influence?

The Band combined elements of Americana, folk, rock, jazz, country, and R&B, influencing subsequent musicians such as the Eagles, Elton John, the Grateful Dead, the Flaming Lips, and Wilco.

What influenced hard rock music?

One of the major influences of hard rock is blues music, especially British blues. British rock bands, such as The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Yardbirds, The Who, and The Kinks, modified rock and roll, adding to the standard genre; harder sounds, heavier guitar riffs, bombastic drumming and louder vocals.

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How did the band The Who form?

Townshend and Entwistle met while attending high school in London’s Shepherd’s Bush area. By the early ’60s, the pair had formed a rock & roll band, but in 1962 Entwistle joined the Detours, a hard-edged group featuring a sheet-metal worker named Roger Daltrey on lead guitar.

Was Bob Dylan ever a band?

Traveling Wilburys1988 – 1990
Bob Dylan/Music groups

What influenced classic rock?

Almost all forms of music were an influence on classic rock. The movement borrowed from almost every genre that preceded it. There is a little R & B, Blues, Jazz and Classical music in almost every classic rock act. Mostly it would depend on the group or artists as to what influenced them the most.

What Band revolutionized rock?

The Rolling Stones changed rock’n’roll, but they started out like any other band, playing small venues and paying musical tribute to their influences.

Why did rock emerge?

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Rock’s origins can be traced to the late 1940s, when the popular styles of the day, country music and blues, morphed into a new sound aided by electric guitars and a steady drumbeat. Embracing sex and youthful rebellion in their music, the Stones courted controversy but also elevated rock to new cultural heights.

Why was hard rock music created?

Hard rock came about in the 1960s as a way of presenting a heavier, more intense, more exciting version of rock music. Bands like the Who, Led Zeppelin, and Deep Purple emphasized rock’s blues roots, while creating rock that was louder, wilder, and more abrasive than ever before.