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What is a gear pin?

What is a gear pin?

Consisting of a pin wheel and rack, and a gear with a unique tooth profile, Pin Gear Drive Units offer limitless design possibilities for rotating and linear drives. The pin gears are designed as modules with some leeway. The right balance between pin wheels and racks allow them to generate large transmission torque.

What is the function of aircraft landing gear lock pin?

Safely lock aircraft’s landing gear in place with our selection of aircraft downlock pins. These are used to lock the nose gear in the down position whilst the aircraft is on the ground. This prevents the downlock struct from folding and in turn, prevent landing gear from being unlocked from this position.

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What is the squat switch?

Squat Switch. An electrical switch mounted on one of the landing gear struts. It is used to sense when the weight of the aircraft is on the wheels. source: FAA Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A) An electrical switch actuated by the landing gear scissors on the oleo strut.

Why do we use ground lock in aircraft landing gear?

Ground locks are used in landing gear as extra insurance that the landing gear will remain locked in position while the aircraft is on the ground. A ground lock is an external device that is placed in the retraction mechanism to prevent its movement.

What is a weight on wheels switch?

W eight on wheels (WoW) switches indicate whether the weight of an aircraft is resting on its wheels. This information reveals whether the aircraft is airborne or on the ground.

Where is the landing gear safety switch usually located?

A switch in the landing gear that prevents the inadvertent retraction of landing gear on the ground. This switch usually is located in the port landing gear. There is, however, a provision for overriding the switch so that the landing gear can be selected up on the ground, if so required.

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What are landing gear weight switches?

Landing Gear Safety Switch A landing gear squat switch, or safety switch, is found on most aircraft. This is a switch positioned to open and close depending on the extension or compression of the main landing gear strut. One circuit prevents the gear from being retracted while the aircraft is on the ground.

How does a squat switch work?

Aviation Glossary – Squat Switch. An electrical switch mounted on one of the landing gear struts. When no weight is on the landing gear, the oleo piston is extended and the switch is in one position, but when weight is on the gear, the oleo strut compresses and the switch changes its position.

What is etops?

Anyone who has taken a long-haul flight might have flown on an “ETOPS” plane without even knowing it. Technically the acronym stands for “extended-range twin-engine operational performance standards,” and it references planes that are capable of flying over places where landing areas are sparse or non-existent.

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