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What is a good description for clash Royale?

What is a good description for clash Royale?

Clash Royale is a tower rush video game which pits players in games featuring two or four players (1v1 or 2v2) in which the objective is to destroy the most opposing towers, with the destruction of the “King’s Tower” being an instantaneous win.

How do you change your clan name in clash of clans?

If you are new to the game, and want to change your username in Clash of Clans, all you need to do is go in game and look for the gear button. Click on it and you will then see the ‘change name’ feature on the right of your screen. Simply click on it to proceed!

How do I change my clan description?

To change your Clan’s description, click on the blue gear button that can be found in the Clan profile. This will take you to the Clan’s Settings from where you can edit the description by tapping on it. Please keep your Clan’s description polite and respectful towards everyone.

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How do I change my clash Royale name?

In general, you can change your account name when you reach level 4. Simply go to the Settings menu and you will see a Change Name button there. Make sure to enter your new Clash Royale name twice then type CONFIRM in order to change your name. Normally, Supercell doesn’t allow you to change your name again.

How do I change my clan in clash Royale?

Simply click one that suits you and you’ll be able to join it right away. To leave a clan, all you have to do is head over to the clan screen and tap the blue “i” button next to “Friendly Battle.” This will open up the clan information screen and you’ll be able to hit the red “Leave” button to quit. There you go!

How do I change my clan settings in clash Royale?

Clan settings can be adjusted by the Clan’s Leader. Tap on the Clan icon from the main lobby screen to bring up the Clan Menu. If you are a Clan Leader, you will be able to tap on the cogwheel beside your clan’s profile page to adjust settings.