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What is a good vertical speed?

What is a good vertical speed?

At the actual moment of touchdown, you’re usually aiming for a vertical speed as close to zero as you can get it without going over zero. During the approach to a landing, from a thousand feet above the ground until you’re right over the runway, something around negative 500 feet per minute is pretty normal.

What speed pilots use?

A typical commercial passenger jet flies at a speed of about 400 – 500 knots which is around 460 – 575 mph when cruising at about 36,000ft.

Is 200 fpm a hard landing?

Landing Gear Tension That’s the equivalent of a descent rate of 600 FPM on touchdown. Upon wheel touchdown, a normal descent rate is 60-180 FPM. Anything over 240 FPM is generally considered a hard landing, and may result in a maintenance inspection.

What is the speed of a 737?

Boeing 737-800 Engine

Number of Engines 2
Height 41’2″
Total Seats 148
Typical Cruising Altitude 35,000 ft.
Cruising Speed 583 mph
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What is the vertical speed indicator on a plane?

The Vertical Speed Indicator is a pretty simple instrument and doesn’t have a bunch of confusing markings labeled on its face. This indicator basically just tells the pilot at what rate you are climbing, descending, or if you are in level flight.

What is vertical airspeed and why is it important?

What Is Vertical Airspeed? Vertical airspeed is the rate at which an airplane ascends or descends. It is different from ground speed. More specifically, the rate of climb tracks the airplane’s vertical airspeed, and the rate of descent, or sink rate, is how quickly the airplane is descending.

How do you control the vertical speed of an airplane?

In simple systems, the only inputs that are used are airspeed and aircraft pitch. You usually control the vertical speed of the aircraft by making power adjustments: By reducing power, your vertical speed will decrease. By increasing power, your vertical speed will increase.

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Should vertical speed be used when climbing?

Vertical speed should never be used when climbing because you could stall if insufficient power is added for the requested climb rate. Using FLC when climbing guarantees you maintain the best airspeed (best rate or best angle, depending on the situation)