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What is a link-local address used for?

What is a link-local address used for?

Link-local addresses are designed to be used for addressing on a single link for purposes such as automatic address configuration, neighbor discovery, or in the absence of routers. It also may be used to communicate with other nodes on the same link. A link-local address is automatically assigned.

Why are there 2 link local IPv6 addresses?

Because new addresses are generated regularly the addresses are marked as temporary . A device can have multiple privacy extension addresses if the system is still using an old address when a new address is being generated. The system will keep the old address for as long as necessary.

How link-local address is generated in IPv6?

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Generation Method of an IPv6 Link-Local Address After a global IPv6 unicast address is configured on the interface, an IPv6 link-local address is automatically generated. After the ipv6 address auto link-local command is run on the interface, an IPv6 link-local address is automatically generated.

Do we need link local addresses?

Consequently, IPv6 hosts usually have more than one IPv6 address assigned to each of their IPv6-enabled network interfaces. The link-local address is required for IPv6 sublayer operations of the Neighbor Discovery Protocol, as well as for some other IPv6-based protocols, such as DHCPv6.

What is link local only?

In computer networking, a link-local address is a network address that is valid only for communications within the network segment or the broadcast domain that the host is connected to.

What is the difference between link local unique local and global addresses in IPv6?

Global unicast address—A unique IPv6 address assigned to a host interface. These addresses have a global scope and essentially the same purposes as IPv4 public addresses. Global unicast addresses are routable on the Internet. Link-local addresses have a local scope, and cannot be used outside the link.

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How do I get rid of IPv6 link local address?

In System Preferences, select Network. Click the TCP/IP tab, and from the pull-down menu next to “Configure IPv6:”, choose Off or Link-local only. Click OK.

How do I find my local link address?

To obtain a link-local address:

  1. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter to release any DHCP-assigned IP addresses.
  2. Observe that no IPv4 address is assigned.
  3. Wait ten seconds and then type ipconfig and press Enter again.
  4. If IPv6 is configured, you should also see a link local IPv6 address starting with fe80::/64.

What does a link-local address look like?

In computer networking, a link-local address is a network address that is valid only for communications within the network segment or the broadcast domain that the host is connected to. IPv4 link-local addresses are assigned from address block 169.254. 0.0/16 (169.254.

Should I enable ULA?

ULA is designed to never be routed on the public IPv6 Internet and as a result you should not be assigning ULA to hosts in your network unless you have the correct use case. Otherwise, stick with global unicast IPv6 addresses. Do IPv6 right the first time so you don’t have to go back and do it again.