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What is a NaI detector?

What is a NaI detector?

A NaI(Tl) scintillation counter is a radiation detector which uses the effect known as scintillation. Scintillation, which occurs in the NaI(Tl) crystal, is a flash of light produced in a transparent material by the passage of a particle (an electron, an alpha particle, an ion, or a high-energy photon).

What type of radiation can a scintillation detector detect?

Scintillation detectors emit photons of ultraviolet and visible light due to interaction of radiation emitted by radioactive materials. Solid scintillation had been used earlier in nuclear science for the detection of radiation. The phenomenon of solid scintillation was discovered by Sir William Crookes in 1903.

Which type of detector is more sensitive to gamma radiation?

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Geiger counter
The high amplification factor of the Geiger counter is the major advantage over the ionization chamber. Geiger counter is therefore a much more sensitive device than other chambers. It is often used in the detection of low-level gamma rays and beta particles for this reason.

What detector is the most sensitive to radiation?

Geiger Counter: The detector most common to the public is the Geiger-Mueller counter, commonly called the Geiger counter. It uses a gas-filled tube with a central wire at high voltage to collect the ionization produced by incident radiation.

Why is thallium used in NaI detector?

The doping of the NaI crystal with thallium improves the scintillation efficiency by improving the light emission due to the improved recombination by light emission of electrons and holes at the dopant site.

Which of the following is not a type of radiation detectors?

Flame emission detector
1. Which of the following is not a type of radiation detectors? Explanation: Flame emission detector is not a type of radiation detector. Radiation can be detected by several methods.

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What are the three types of radiation observed on the detector?

Three types of radiation (alpha, beta and gamma)

Is NaI aqueous?

Sodium iodide is a water-soluble ionic compound with a crystal lattice.

What are the two most common types of detectors for radiation detection?

When talking about radiation detection instruments, there are three types of detectors that are most commonly used, depending on the specific needs of the device. These are: Gas-Filled Detectors, Scintillators, and Solid State detectors.