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What is a provincial attitude?

What is a provincial attitude?

[more provincial; most provincial] disapproving : not knowing or caring about people and events in other places : having narrow or limited concerns or interests. an artist who has been criticized for being provincial and old-fashioned. His provincial attitude was a source of irritation for her.

How do you use provincial in a sentence?

Provincial in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Even though James had travelled all over the world, he still wore clothing which was quite provincial and outdated.
  2. Because I grew up in an orphanage run by nuns, I have a very provincial outlook on life and tend to prefer the simple things.

What does it mean to live a provincial life?

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adj. 1 of or connected with a province. 2 characteristic of or connected with the provinces; local. 3 having attitudes and opinions supposedly common to people living in the provinces; rustic or unsophisticated; limited.

What does provincial in speech mean?

2. having the ways, speech, attitudes, etc. of a certain province. 3. of or like that of rural provinces; countrified; rustic.

What does Provincial man mean?

Frequency: A provincial person; esp., a narrow-minded or unsophisticated person. An example of provincial is a person who has never left his small town.

What does it mean when you call someone something?

transitive to use a particular name or title for someone. call someone something: Her name’s Elizabeth, but we call her Liz. call someone by their nickname/surname/middle name: The teachers always called us by our surnames.

Does provincial mean local?

belonging or peculiar to some particular province; local: the provincial newspaper. of or relating to the provinces: provincial customs; provincial dress.

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What is an example of provincial?

The definition of provincial is something related to a specific country or geographic area or someone or something that is small-minded and unsophisticated. An example of provincial is a specific style of French furniture. An example of provincial is a person who has never left his small town.

What is a provincial town?

Provincial means connected with the parts of a country away from the capital city.

What does it mean by regional?

adjective. of or relating to a region of considerable extent; not merely local: a regional meeting of the Boy Scouts. of or relating to a particular region, district, area, or part, as of a country; sectional; local: regional differences in pronunciation.

What does her husband’s social superior mean?

Mrs Birling’s power allows her to act in a patronising manner to everyone around her. She is described to be her ‘husband’s social superior’ showing how she was of a higher class and had married down.

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What means provincial status?

relating to an area that is governed as part of a country or an empire: provincial governments. C2. in or from the parts of the country that are not the capital city: The majority of young professionals in the capital have moved there from provincial towns.