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What is a Spanish Gallina?

What is a Spanish Gallina?

gallina Noun. gallina, la ~ (f) chicken, the ~ Noun. poultry, the ~ Noun. fowl, the ~ Noun.

Is Gallina masculine or feminine in Spanish?

Only when they grow up the difference between gallinas (feminine) and pollos (masculine) becomes evident. Pollos turn into gallos (roosters), if they are given the time. When both sexes are together in a flock, they are collectively referred to as las gallinas.

How do you spell Gallina?


What is another word for Gallina?

Alternate Synonyms for “gallina”: jungle fowl; gallinaceous bird; gallinacean.

What is Rana in English?

British English: frog /frɒɡ/ NOUN. A frog is a small creature with smooth skin, big eyes, and long back legs which it uses for jumping. American English: frog /ˈfrɔg/

What’s the difference between Pollo and Gallina?

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It’s just—chicken. Pollo meaning a younger, whiter meat, and gallina a yellower, fattier, and older meat.” A “gallina vieja” is an old hen, says inwooddan.

Does Pollo mean chicken?

The generic word for chicken in Italian is pollo (plural: polli). It can be used to refer to the bird itself or the meat.

What language is Gallina?

English Translation of “gallina” | Collins Italian-English Dictionary.

What does SAPO mean in Spanish slang?

A Sapo could mean an ugly man, one that resembles a toad (Sapo means toad in Spanish), It is a way in which some people call “cops” or the police. Sometimes, it could mean an informer. To be honest, it is not a very common word nowadays. So the most used meaning is simply “Toad”

How do you explain Sana Sana Colita de Rana?

“Sana sana colita de rana. Dame un besito para hoy y mañana” is common in countless childhoods. A literal translation would be “Heal heal little frog’s tail. Give me a little kiss for today and tomorrow,” but the meaning, of course, extends beyond Spanish and English vocabulary.