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What is a tuple in Python?

What is a tuple in Python?

A Tuple is a collection of Python objects separated by commas. In someways a tuple is similar to a list in terms of indexing, nested objects and repetition but a tuple is immutable unlike lists which are mutable.

What is a tuple easy definition?

A tuple (pronounced tuh-pul) is a data structure in some programming languages that is an ordered list of elements. A tuple may include zero or more elements. Often, a tuple is represented as a comma-delimited list of the elements, enclosed in parentheses. For example, “(5, 9, 11, 3, 22, 14)” is a “6-tuple.”

What is a tuple in computer?

A tuple is an ordered sequence of elements that is immutable, which means that the values within the tuple cannot be modified when the program is running. The elements of a tuple can be of different data types, e.g. a mix of strings and integers.

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What is a tuple JavaScript?

Tuples are a sort of list but with a limited set of items. In JavaScript, tuples are created using arrays. When you are getting a value from a tuple at a specific index, it will return the type at that index.

What is a tuple in terraform?

The two kinds of structural type in the Terraform language are: tuple(…) : a sequence of elements identified by consecutive whole numbers starting with zero, where each element has its own type.

What is tuple in data mining?

A tuple (pronounced “tuh-pull”) is a data structure that stores a specific number of elements. These elements may include integers, characters, strings, or other data types.

What is tuple in IOT?

2) A tuple is analogous to a record in nonrelational databases. The term originated as an abstraction of the sequence: single, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, n-tuple. Tuple is used in abstract mathematics to denote a multidimensional coordinate system.

What is tuple in MVC?

Tuple is a generic static class that was added to C# 4.0 and it can hold any amount of elements, and they can be any type we want. So using a tuple, we can return multiple values. A tuple allows you to combine multiple values of possibly different types into a single object without having to create a custom class.

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What is tuple in Java?

Tuple. Tuple is a sequence of objects which may or may not be of same type. Consider the following example − [12,”TutorialsPoint”, java.sql.Connection@li757b] Above object is a tuple of three elements, an Integer, a string and a Connection Object.

How do you create a tuple in Java?

Creating Tuples Creating a tuple is really simple. We can use the corresponding constructors: Pair pair = new Pair, Integer>(“A pair”, 55);
