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What is alternative medicine good for?

What is alternative medicine good for?

They focus on the direct relationship between the nervous system and the spine to reduce pain in the lower back or neck. It also helps headaches, joint pain and high blood pressure. Alternative medicine has helped people for hundreds of years and will continue to help people for years to come.

What is the difference between alternative medicine and allopathic medicine?

Complementary medicine refers to therapies that complement traditional western (or allopathic) medicine and is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine.

Is alternative medicine scientific?

Efficacy. There is a general scientific consensus that alternative therapies lack the requisite scientific validation, and their effectiveness is either unproved or disproved.

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Who uses alternative medicine?

According to a new nationwide government survey, 36 percent of U.S. adults aged 18 years and over use some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Can alternative medicine harmful?

Some complementary and alternative therapies have been reported to cause serious problems or even deaths. Certain vitamins and minerals can increase the risk of cancer or other illnesses, especially if too much is taken.

What is the difference between alternative medicine and complementary medicine?

Complementary medicine is used along with standard medical treatment but is not considered by itself to be standard treatment. One example is using acupuncture to help lessen some side effects of cancer treatment. Alternative medicine is used instead of standard medical treatment.

What is the difference between traditional and alternative medicine?

Traditional medicine is often called allopathic, traditional, conventional, mainstream, and Western medicine, to name a few. The term traditional is used often, but it also does not seem to be exact. The NIH defines alternative medicine as non-mainstream practices that are used in place of conventional ones.