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What is an assessment internship?

What is an assessment internship?

Most people who manage to get a PPO, in our experience, are interning long term, or interning for the 3rd time and have been told that this 3rd internship is their ‘assessment internship’. This means that they are being assessed actively as to whether a pre-placement offer should be made to them or not.

What are the stages of an internship?

The Stages of Internship focuses on five predictable stages students encounter during internships. These stages include: anticipation, disillusionment, confrontation, competence, and culmination.

How do you get a shell internship?

Application process

  1. Online Application. Find an Internship in your location by using the search bar then complete your application online – note you can save time by connecting your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Stage 1: Online Assessments.
  3. Stage 2 – Final Assessment.
  4. Shell Connect.
  5. Shell Internship.
  6. Offer.
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How do you evaluate an internship?

The intern’s evaluation should focus on their time with the company, how valuable they felt the internship was, and what they learned. Good things to touch on are processes in the internship — onboarding, off-boarding, etc. — as well as mentorship and the work they were assigned.

What kind of questions are asked in an internship interview?

How to answer common internship interview questions

  • #1: Tell us a bit about yourself.
  • #2: Why have you applied for this internship?
  • #3: Why have you applied for an internship at our company?
  • #4: Why do you want to work in this industry?
  • #5: What are your strengths?
  • #6: How do you prioritise your work?

Why is teaching internship important?

It provides first hand learning experience to intern. Internship is also called as practical education. Through internship program intern acquire more knowledge of teaching and learn or sharpen the needed skills, attitudes and values associated with efficient performance of their job.

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How much do shell PAY IT students?

Financial Compensation: Shell Nigeria’s Internship programs are paid. In fact, they are one of the few organizations in Nigeria that pay their intern well. During your internship, they will pay you a stipend of #40,000 – #50,000 for your personal upkeep.

What is the penultimate year of your degree?

Your penultimate year at university: it’s a pretty cool place to be in the scheme of things.

How do you evaluate an intern candidate?

Knowing what to look for.

  1. Attention to Detail. Often, the first thing people consider when evaluating an intern applicant is her prior experience.
  2. Experience. Alright, I admit it—as much as experience isn’t the end-all be-all, it does matter to an extent.
  3. Willingness to Work and Learn.
  4. Culture Fit.