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What is Android ORM?

What is Android ORM?

An ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping and will map database tables to entities. For a Persons table for example, a class Person will be created. You will then be able to edit the fields of the class and when you call a “save” method, the database table will be updated.

Which DB is best for Android app?

SQLite. SQLite is relational DB, a lighter version of SQL designed for mobile.

  • Realm DB.
  • ORMLite.
  • Berkeley DB.
  • Couchbase Lite.
  • Are ORM worth it?

    So, in short (yep, short) yes, ORM is worth it, but like every solution to a problem, it’s not a panacea. In general, ORMs increase developer productivity a lot so I’d using them unless they’ve become a bigger problem than they’re worth.

    Can I use MongoDB with Android?

    MongoDB has downloads for several operating systems. However, Android is not one of those systems. People use MongoDB as a “web service” for storing data, but it does not have any features to support multi-master replication or your occasionally connected mobile scenario.

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    What is LiveData Android?

    LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle state.

    Is MongoDB good for mobile apps?

    MongoDB is preferred for large enterprise data management. The app requires high-speed logging and real-time analytics. There is a need to maintain location-based data. Requirement of high scalability and better caching.

    Is firebase similar to MongoDB?

    While MongoDB emerged as part of the wave of so-called “NoSQL” databases, MongoDB and Firebase are both more similar to their relational forebearers than most of the more single-purpose NoSQL solutions.