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What is bad about fuel cells?

What is bad about fuel cells?

Expensive to manufacture due the high cost of catalysts (platinum) Lack of infrastructure to support the distribution of hydrogen. A lot of the currently available fuel cell technology is in the prototype stage and not yet validated. Hydrogen is expensive to produce and not widely available.

Are fuel cells harmful to the environment?

The environmental impacts of fuel cell use depend upon the source of the hydrogen rich fuel used. By using pure hydrogen, fuel cells have virtually no emissions except water. In this scenario, fuel cell powered vehicles or generating stations have no real emissions of greenhouse or acid gases, or any other pollutants.

Why are hydrogen fuel cells a bad idea?

Hydrogen fuel cells have bad theoretical and practical efficiency. Hydrogen storage is inefficient, energetically, volumetrically and with respect to weight. It has a horrible well-to-wheel efficiency as a result. Easy ways to get large quantities of hydrogen are not ‘cleaner’ than gasoline.

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What are the pros and cons of fuel cells?

Hydrogen fuel cells Pros: No vehicle emissions other than water vapor. Fuel economy equivalent to about twice that of gasoline vehicles. Hydrogen is abundant, and can be made from renewable energy. Cons: This space-age technology is expensive.

What are the problems with hydrogen fuel cells?

The two prime dangers from fuel cell and hydrogen-powered vehicles are the danger of electrical shock and the flammability of the fuel. Fuel cells power vehicles by electro-chemically combining hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen (O2) from the surrounding air into water (H20) and electrical energy.

Is ethanol fuel bad for engines?

Boatyards and marine engine dealers warn that gas blended with ethanol can cause motors to stop working, ruin rubber components in the engine’s fuel system and damage engine parts. The gas softens rubber components in the engine, some of which may dissolve and gum up the system.