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What is balance of payment BOP account?

What is balance of payment BOP account?

The balance of payments (BOP) is an accounting of a country’s international transactions for a particular time period. Any transaction that causes money to flow into a country is a credit to its BOP account, and any transaction that causes money to flow out is a debit.

What are the four 4 major accounts of the balance of payment BOP accounting system?

Conceptually BOP system consists of four major accounts: current account, capital account, official reserv acount and errors and omissions.

Why does the BOP always balance?

The purpose of incorporating this item in the BOP account is to adjust the difference between the sums of the credit and the sums of the debit items in the BOP accounts so that they add up to zero by construction. Hence the proposition ‘the BOP always balances’.

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How is balance of payments calculated?

BOP=Current Account+Financial Account+ Capital Account+Balancing Item. The current account records the flow of income from one country to another.

How can we improve balance of payment?

Trade policy measures to improve the balance of payments refer to the measures adopted to promote exports and reduce imports. Exports may be encouraged by reducing or abolishing export duties and lowering the interest rate on credit used for financing exports.

WHO calculates the balance of payments in India?

9 The relevant data for the compilation of BoP are collected by RBI from various sources including the R-returns and other details submitted by the authorised dealers, exchange control records and various surveys.

Who maintains balance of payment in India?

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
At present, the monthly outstanding balances under the existing Non-Resident Deposit schemes are compiled on the basis of fortnightly statement on external liabilities received by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under Section 42(2) of the RBI Act.