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What is being sneaky?

What is being sneaky?

If you describe someone as sneaky, you disapprove of them because they do things secretly rather than openly. [informal, disapproval] It is a sneaky and underhand way of doing business. Synonyms: sly, dishonest, devious, mean More Synonyms of sneaky.

What is the difference between sly and sneaky?

As adjectives the difference between sneaky and sly is that sneaky is difficult to catch due to constantly outwitting the adversaries while sly is artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily.

What is the difference between cunning and sly?

Both sly and cunning mean the absence of sincerity, but slyness is a feature of character and cunning is more consciuos and aimed at getting some profit or advantage. Besides, the dictionary explains the connotations for all the range: crafty, artful, tricky, foxy, wily.

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Is cunning a good thing?

It is not justifiable when the deceiver has equal or greater power than those who are being deceived. So, there are instances where cunning behaviour is good, and instances where it is bad. These instances can be morally differentiated by considering who they serve: the oppressor or the oppressed.

What are synonyms for cunning?

Some common synonyms of cunning are artful, crafty, foxy, slick, sly, tricky, and wily. While all these words mean “attaining or seeking to attain one’s ends by guileful or devious means,” cunning suggests the inventive use of sometimes limited intelligence in overreaching or circumventing.

What is the difference between crafty and cunning?

Cunning stresses the use of intelligence in circumventing; it often suggests sly inventiveness rather than a high-grade mentality, and a perverted sense of morality. Crafty also implies a use of intelligence but it usually suggests a higher order of mentality than cunning.

How do I become cunning?

Take an objective point of view. Cunning people try not to let their perception and decision-making be clouded by emotion or prejudice. Instead, they prefer objective, factual truths. It’s easy to tell yourself to take an objective point of view, but it’s a much harder matter to set about doing it.

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What is the difference between Sly and cunning?

Sly means to be sneaky and in some contexts dishonest so it has a negative connotation if you were applying this to a person. For example: “Instead of answering the question, the politican gave a sly smile.” Cunning: this is a neutral adjective.

What is a good synonym for Sneaky?

Synonyms & Antonyms of sneaky. 1 given to acting in secret and to concealing one’s intentions. his opponent’s sneaky campaign manager was clearly up to something. Synonyms for sneaky. furtive, shady, shifty, slippery, sly,

What is the meaning of cunning in English?

cun·​ning | \\ ˈkə-niŋ \\. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : dexterous or crafty in the use of special resources (such as skill or knowledge) or in attaining an end a cunning plotter. 2 : characterized by wiliness and trickery cunning schemes.

Is ‘cunning’ a positive or negative adjective?

Cunning: this is a neutral adjective. Cunning means being clever and it can have a positive or negative reaction.depending on the context. For example: “Cunning and ambitious, the politician made his mark by being appointed as the minister for health.”