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What is better 12-hour shifts or 8-hour shifts?

What is better 12-hour shifts or 8-hour shifts?

Extensive scientific research on the effects of 8- and 12-hour shifts has produced no clear winner. The vast majority of shiftwork studies that compare accident and error rates before and after a schedule change found no difference between 8-hour shifts and 12-hour shifts.

Why 12-hour shifts are better than 8?

Work/Life Balance If you work 12-hour shifts, you have the advantage of enjoying twice as many days off each year compared to those who have 8-hour shifts. This allows for more free time to enjoy your hobbies, spend time with family, and take vacations more frequently.

What is the best shift schedule to work?

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In general, 8-hour shifts are preferable to 12-hour shifts. Circadian physiology suggests that morning shifts should begin no earlier than 8:00 am for the physiological best fit to circadian rhythmicity.

Do you make less money working 12 hour shifts?

MYTH #4 – Shiftworkers will lose money by going to a 12-hour schedule. FACT: Economic analysis will usually show that going from an 8-hour to a 12-hour shift schedule will increase wages by about 2\%. Federal law requires that overtime must only be paid on hours greater than 40 hours in the specified work week.

What’s the perfect work schedule?

A 9-to-5 work schedule is as close to standard as can be. This is considered the typical work week for most people. They start at 9 in the morning (though some may come in a bit earlier or later on some days) and they generally leave around 5 p.m.

Is it better to work 4 10-hour shifts or 5 8 hour shifts?

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The math is simple: working five eight-hour shifts is equivalent to working four 10-hour shifts. The risk is 61 percent higher for people in “overtime” shifts. Working more than 60 hours in a week is related to an additional injury risk of 23 percent.

Do you make less money working 12-hour shifts?

What is the best shift pattern?

The “4 on, 4 off” model is one of the most common and well-known shift patterns that are available in the sector. This shift rotation is commonly used by our utility drivers and those working in 24-hour customer service roles.