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What is better CO2 laser or Fraxel?

What is better CO2 laser or Fraxel?

Fractional CO2 laser vs. Either laser can be used to treat acne scars, wrinkles, sun damage, or texture. But Fractional CO2 is our first choice for sun damage, wrinkles, and texture while the Fraxel laser is our first choice for acne scars.

Which is better microneedling or CO2 laser?

Comparing the Two Treatments Microneedling is the less invasive of the two treatments. It works at a very superficial level and does not cause significant discomfort. Laser skin resurfacing works on deeper levels of the skin. It isn’t painful, but it can be more uncomfortable than a microneedling treatment session.

Which is better microneedling or laser resurfacing?

Laser treatments can often provide quicker, more dramatic and long lasting results than microneedling treatments. Because lasers deliver heat to the skin we see more side effects (such as temporary darkening or bruising) and longer downtime due to post-treatment swelling and redness.

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What is more effective fractional laser or microneedling?

Pros and cons: Fractional erbium laser treatments are better suited to older patients, since, compared to microneedling, they target tissue that is deeper below the surface for an improved boost in collagen production.

What is the strongest Fraxel?

There is Fraxel Restore, a non-ablative (meaning no open wounds) laser, and Fraxel Repair, which is the most powerful and uses an ablative fractionated carbon dioxide laser for more severe cases.

Is Fraxel the best laser treatment?

Fraxel is an excellent laser for improving skin tone and texture, reducing lines and wrinkles around the face, especially lines around the eyes and mouth. It also improves the appearance of acne scars and surgical scars.

What is fractional CO2 laser resurfacing?

Fractional CO2 laser is a type of skin treatment used by dermatologists or physicians to reduce the appearance of acne scars, deep wrinkles, and other skin irregularities. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser, specially made of carbon dioxide, to remove the outer layers of damaged skin.

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Which laser resurfacing is best?

The best in class for wrinkle removal, treatment of crow’s feet, sun damage removal and overall skin rejuvenation is the Fraxel Re:pair laser. Yes, there is some downtime with Fraxel, but after a couple days looking like you have a sunburn, your skin will look 10 years younger, tighter and completely refreshed.