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What is British Columbia postal code?

What is British Columbia postal code?

British Columbia – postal codes

Place Code
2 Pitt Meadows V3Y
3 White Rock V4B

How many postal codes are there in BC?

The first three characters of the postal code (‘ANA’) represent a set of well-defined and stable areas known as forward sortation areas (FSAs)….Postal code.

Province/territory Unique postal codes Number of records
Saskatchewan 22,199 36,529
Alberta 81,829 172,245
British Columbia 116,471 230,120
Yukon 992 2,065

What is the postal code for Canada?

A1A 1A1
Like British, Irish and Dutch postcodes, Canada’s postal codes are alphanumeric. They are in the format A1A 1A1, where A is a letter and 1 is a digit, with a space separating the third and fourth characters.

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What is the area code for Vancouver BC?

604, 778, 250, 236 The 604 area code has been around for decades and most Vancouver numbers will start with this. The 778 code was introduced in 2001 and 236 was brought in as an area code in 2013.

What is the area code of Surrey BC?

Surrey Area Codes, British Columbia, Canada

Country Province Area Code
Canada British Columbia +1 604

Do all BC postal codes start with V?

Postal codes beginning with V are located within the Canadian province of British Columbia. Only the first three characters are listed, corresponding to the Forward Sortation Area. Many vendors also sell validation tools, which allow customers to properly match addresses and postal codes.

Is ZIP code same as postal code?

ANSWER: The two codes are essentially the same in their purpose, but the term Zip code is mainly used in the USA; Postal Code is commonly used in other countries.

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What area codes are in B.C. Canada?

604, 778, 250, 236 Both 778 and 236 are used throughout B.C. The urbanized area north of Metro Vancouver to Whistler uses only the 604 area code. The 250 area code is only found outside of Metro Vancouver.

What number is British Columbia?

Area codes 778, 236, and 672 are area codes in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the entire Canadian province of British Columbia.