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What is choke coil and where is it used?

What is choke coil and where is it used?

Choke coil is used in fluorescent lamps or tubes, initially it provides a very high voltage and once the gas in the tube is ionized, choke provides a low voltage. Usually it is used to allow DC and blocks AC to pass through the circuit.

What is meant by choke coil?

Definitions of choke coil. a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current. synonyms: choke, choking coil. type of: coil. reactor consisting of a spiral of insulated wire that introduces inductance into a circuit.

Why choke coil is used?

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In electronics, a choke is an inductor used to block higher-frequency alternating currents while passing direct current (DC) and lower-frequencies alternating current (AC) in an electrical circuit….External links.

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What are coils used for?

coil, in an electric circuit, one or more turns, usually roughly circular or cylindrical, of current-carrying wire designed to produce a magnetic field or to provide electrical resistance or inductance; in the latter case, a coil is also called a choke coil (see also inductance).

Can choke coil be used in DC circuits?

The choke coil can be used only in AC circuits, not in DC circuits, because for DC (ω=0) the inductive reactance XL=ωL. Of coil is zero, only the resistance the coil remains effective which too is almost zero.

Why is choke used in fluorescent lamp?

The choke primarily serves to limit current flow to the correct level for the tube. It also can be used during startup to provide an inductive ‘kick’ forming a momentary higher-voltage pulse to start the lamp.

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What is an example of a coil?

A single turn of a coiled figure. A spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes, as in a radiator. To wind in concentric rings or spirals. To wind into a shape resembling a coil.

What coil means?

1 : to wind into rings or spirals coil a rope. 2 : to roll or twist into a shape resembling a coil coiled herself up on the couch. intransitive verb. 1 : to move in a circular or spiral course. 2 : to form or lie in a coil.

Why choke coil is used in fluorescent lamp?

A choke coil is needed in the use of fluorescent tubes to reduce alternating current without loss of power. If we use an ordinary resistor, a.c. will reduce, but loss of power due to heating will be there.

Why is choke coil preferable to resistor?

Why is it preferred to resistance in a.c. circuits? A choke coil is preferred over resistances in a.c. circuit because a choke coil has large value of self inductance and hence, the power dissipation is 0 for choke coil. Power factor is 0 for an inductance.