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What is comment in Quora?

What is comment in Quora?

Answered 2 years ago · Author has 17.7K answers and 49.6M answer views. Quora comments add to or acknowledge the quality of the answer. Comments are deleted or retained at the discretion of the person who wrote the answer.

How do you comment on Quora?

If you want to comment on a question, click “Comment” which you can see under the question, type your comment in the comment space, and click “Submit”. If you want to comment on an answer, click “Comment” which you can see under the answer, type your comment in the comment space, and click “Submit”.

How do I find my comments on Quora?

  1. Go to your Quora profile page.
  2. Click on the ‘Edits’ link provided on the left side of the page. You will then be taken to a page that lists all your edits.
  3. Press Ctrl+F.
  4. Type ‘Comment added’ in the dialog-box .
  5. Now, you can go to each comment by using up and down arrows in the dialog box.
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How do you reply to a comment on Quora?

Originally Answered: On Quora, how can I reply to a comment? If it’s a post, you click on the word bubble, then write your comment and click enter. If it’s a comment there’s a label with an arrow marked reply.

How do you comment on answer?

Look for the ‘Comment’ link at the bottom of an answer. Longer answer: Below an answer, you will find something like the image below: You can click on the ‘Comment’ link shown in the red box to reveal the interface that allows you to add comments.

Is a comment a reply?

A comment is for making a unique thought or comment on a particular blog post. On the other hand, a reply is used when you want to continue a discussion based on another comment that someone else has left. It’s like leaving a comment on their comment and continuing a discussion.

Do you need an account to comment on Quora?

Like Facebook comments, Quora comments require that users be logged in with their real accounts in order to participate in a discussion.

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How do I expand all answers on Quora?

The first thing Quora does is it only shows you the first few answers for a given user profile. To see more, you need to scroll down and more answers will keep loading as you scroll. Therefore, the first command that quora-expander executes is do_scrolldown() . It does this until the page stops getting longer.