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What is considered a good batting average in softball?

What is considered a good batting average in softball?

Batting average is a measure of how likely a player is to get a hit whenever they step up to the plate. A batting average over . 300 is considered really good.

Is .500 a good batting average in softball?

500 is high. Since some number of quality hits get caught or turned in to put-outs . 500 means she’s getting hits that shouldn’t be hit’s with a better fielding team.

Is 250 a good batting average softball?

250 is a great batting average. But if you lead the league in errors or hit 10 home runs in four years, then not so much. This is close to long term MLB average. In high school the top players hit .

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What is a good batting average against?

275, and players with batting averages above . 300 are considered to be very good batters. A batting average of . 400 over a season is considered to be the ultimate achievement by a batter and is nearly unattainable in modern baseball.

Is 450 a good batting average?

College recruiters typically use more general terms like average, above average, plus, minus, etc. to evaluate players. The point here is that if Player A hits . 450 in high school but appears to have reached his ceiling in talent, and Player B hits .

What are good stats for softball?

What softball measurables do college coaches look for in a pitcher?

  • Height: 5’9” or taller.
  • Pitch velocity: 63+ MPH.
  • Command of at least 4 pitches: fastball, changeup, multiple movement pitches.
  • ERA: below 2.50.
  • Strikeouts: 1 or more per inning pitched.
  • Walks: 1-2 per game or fewer.

Is a 800 batting average good?

In modern times, a season batting average higher than . 300 is considered to be excellent, and an average higher than . 366, eight points higher than Rogers Hornsby, who has the second-highest career average at . 358.

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Is .750 a good batting average?

The league-wide batting average has generally ranged between . 250 and . 275, and players with batting averages above . 300 are considered to be very good batters.

Is .625 a good batting average?

Hitting . 280 to . 300 would be considered a good hitter and . 300 or more is considered exceptional.

What is a good pitching average?

An ERA between 2.00 and 3.00 is also considered excellent and is only achieved by the best pitchers in the league. An ERA between 3.00 and 4.00 is above-average. An ERA between 4.00 and 5.00 is average; the majority of pitchers have an ERA in this range.

What is a good batting average for minor league?

In modern times, a season batting average of . 300 or higher is considered to be excellent, and an average higher than . 400 a nearly unachievable goal.