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What is data process error in Aadhaar card?

What is data process error in Aadhaar card?

The resident details are not matching with the documents submitted as POI/POA/POR/POB. The document scanned as part of enrolment is not legible/not readable. Document of another person attached. Only enrolment Slip or consent slip attached, No proof document.

What is data process error?

A processing error is the error in final survey results arising from the faulty implementation of correctly planned implementation methods. Context: Most processing errors occur in data for individual units, although errors can also be introduced in the implementation of systems and estimates.

Why my Aadhaar update request rejected twice due to data process error?

But several such requests often get rejected repeatedly because often Aadhaar card holders do not follow the correct procedure while filling up the Aadhaar card address updation form. For making any other changes, you will have to visit Aadhaar enrollment center.

What do you mean by Aadhaar Enrolment update process?

The Aadhaar enrolment process includes visiting Enrolment Centre, filling the enrolment form, getting demographic and biometric data captured, submitting proof of Identity and address documents, before collecting acknowledgement slip containing Enrolment ID. Aadhaar enrolment is free of cost.

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What happens if Aadhar card is rejected?

Aadhaar generation involves various quality checks therefore there are chances that your Aadhaar gets rejected due to quality or any other technical reason. So if you have received SMS that your Aadhaar has been rejected, it is recommended to re-enrol yourself.

What are the types of data errors?

Common causes of data quality problems

  • Manual data entry errors. Humans are prone to making errors, and even a small data set that includes data entered manually by humans is likely to contain mistakes.
  • OCR errors.
  • Lack of complete information.
  • Ambiguous data.
  • Duplicate data.
  • Data transformation errors.

What if my Aadhaar update is rejected?

What is EA supervisor?

Supervisor is responsible for setting up of the laptop/desktop with Aadhaar client installed and tested, attached with all devices and printer cum scanners and ensure all equipment are in working condition to start Aadhaar Enrolments/Update. Ensure that the latest Aadhaar Enrolment client/Update software is installed.