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What is difference between 7 and Norton theorem?

What is difference between 7 and Norton theorem?

The main difference between Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem is that, Thevenin’s theorem provides an equivalent voltage source and an equivalent series resistance, while Norton’s theorem provides an equivalent Current source and an…

What is the difference between Thevenin and Norton theorem Mcq?

What is the difference between Thevenin and Norton theorems? Norton’s theorem uses a voltage source, whereas Thevenin’s theorem uses a current source.

What is Thevenins theorem statement?

Thevenin’s Theorem states that “Any linear circuit containing several voltages and resistances can be replaced by just one single voltage in series with a single resistance connected across the load“.

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Are Thevenin and Norton resistance the same?

REVIEW: Thevenin and Norton’s resistances are equal. Thevenin voltage is equal to Norton’s current times Norton resistance. Norton current is equal to Thevenin voltage divided by Thevenin resistance.

What is the difference between Thevenins and Nortons voltage?

– Norton’s theorem uses a current source, whereas Thevenin’s theorem uses a voltage source. – Thevenin’s theorem uses a resistor in series, while Norton’s theorem uses a resister set in parallel with the source. – The Norton’s resistance and Thevenin’s resistance are equal in magnitude.

What are the advantages of Norton Theorem?

It reduce complex circuit to a simple circuit viz a single source of emf in series with a single resistance. It greatly simplifies the portion of the circuit of lesser importance and enable us to view the action of output part directly.

Which theorem is known as dual of Nortons Theorem?

Thevenin’s theorem
Explanation: Thevenin’s theorem is also known as the dual of Norton’s theorem because in Norton’s theorem we find short circuit current which is the dual of open circuit voltage-what we find in Thevenin’s theorem.

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Can we use Thevenins Theorem on a circuit containing a BJT?

Can we use Thevenin’s theorem on a circuit containing a BJT? Explanation: We can use Thevenin’s theorem only for linear networks. BJT is a non-linear network hence we cannot apply Thevenin’s theorem for it.

What is meant by reciprocity Theorem?

The reciprocity theorem states that the current at one point in a circuit due to a voltage at a second point is the same as the current at the second point due to the same voltage at the first. The reciprocity theorem is valid for almost all passive networks.

How is Thevenin theorem similar to Norton theorem?

Norton’s Thereom is identical to Thevenin’s Theorem except that the equivalent circuit is an independent current source in parallel with an impedance (resistor). Therefore, the Norton equivalent circuit is a source transformation of the Thevenin equivalent circuit.

How are Norton’s theorem and Thevenin’s theorem related?

Thevenin’s theorem states that we can replace all the electric circuit, except a load resistor, as an independent voltage source in series, and the load resistor response will be the same. The Norton’s theorem states that we can replace the electric circuit except the load resistor as a current source in parallel.