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What is ginseng Kianpi PIL?

What is ginseng Kianpi PIL?

Description. Ginseng kianpi pil is one famous supplement for gain mass, made from pure ginseng herbs, it can add much human appetite naturally. So it can gain mass faster without side effect. This is good for both male or female for gaining ideal weight mass.

What are the side effects of ginseng tea?

Trouble sleeping is the most common side effect. Less common effects include headache, agitation, upset stomach, menstrual problems (e.g., unusual vaginal bleeding), breast pain, and dizziness. An increase or decrease in blood pressure may also occur.

Is ginseng Kianpi PIL safe?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use “Ginseng Kianpi Pil,” a product promoted to stimulate appetite, promote weight gain and relieve fatigue, because it contains an undeclared corticosteroid and an antihistamine.

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How do you take Kianpi pil ginseng?

Gaining weight without accumulating excessive fat, strengthening digestive power, relieves nerves, thus leading to gradual development of strong muscles and an ideal physique. Usage: 1 or 2 Capsule every night before sleep. 1g/dosage.

Is ginseng tea healthy?

Here’s how it is good for health Ginseng Tea helps in boosting energy and also helps in nerve relaxation. Moreover, it helps in managing the cholesterol level and reduces blood sugar. In fact the daily consumption of this tea can remarkably improve cognitive health.

Does ginseng cause blood clots?

“With too small a dose, the risk of clots increases, but too much can cause serious bleeding,” he noted. “So a substance such as ginseng that alters warfarin’s effects, even slightly, can have significant consequences.”

Is ginseng tea good for you?

Ginseng Tea helps in boosting energy and also helps in nerve relaxation. Moreover, it helps in managing the cholesterol level and reduces blood sugar. In fact the daily consumption of this tea can remarkably improve cognitive health.

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