Popular lifehacks

What is good against mutalisks?

What is good against mutalisks?

If you are being picked apart by Mutalisks, add on Photon Cannons and a High Templar or Archon in each mineral line. Use Psionic Storm to soften up the Mutalisks, at which point a couple Photon Cannons can take down multiple Mutalisks very quickly.

How do you counter mass mutalisks as Terran?

Countering Mutalisk Harass[edit]

  1. Don’t build too many Turrets.
  2. Don’t build stray Turrets.
  3. Move your Marines in a Ball, not a line.
  4. Don’t chase Mutalisks.
  5. Focus Fire on the Mutalisks when in range.
  6. A good base layout will allow you to quickly engage the Mutalisks.

How does Protoss counter mutalisks?

The natural Protoss counter to the Mutalisk is the Phoenix, that does extra damage versus Light units and is more mobile than the Mutalisk. A Protoss that decides to tech to Phoenixes will generally shut down any Mutalisk play and will get map control.

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How do you counter Ultralisks?

Ultralisks are good in late game, as the only true counter to them is Mutalisks or Broodlords. Though Roaches can kite Ultralisks, Fungal Growth allows Ultras to annihilate them while they themselves cannot be rooted by Fungal Growth.

Are Ultralisks good?

How does ultralisk counter Terran?

Spider Mines are very effective, able to severely damage Ultralisks and destroy numerous Zerglings. Spider mines also work under Dark Swarm. Use Irradiate to destroy Ultralisks or Defilers. This is very important when using a bionic build, as Ultralisks are very effective against Marines.

How do Nydus worms work?

The nydus worm is merely an extension of the network. A nydus worm Zerg warriors can enter the tunnel via either the worm’s head or network, and can travel through the worm at great speed due to a combination of peristaltic motion and chemical stimulants that direct their movements.

Why are ultras bad?

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The researchers in the Copenhagen study noted the most commonly cited problems with ultra-endurance running are usually muscle damage, liver damage, electrolyte disturbance, and increased cortisol.

How do you counter a Nydus worm?

What I learned from the campaign is that air units are very effective against Nydus Worms. Air units have the advantage of swiftly moving towards the Nydus Worm, without getting obstructed by the terrain. So in the case of Terran, you’d use Banshees and keep them near hot spots where they are likely to pop up.