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What is Hong-Sau meditation?

What is Hong-Sau meditation?

The Hong-Sau Technique of Paramhansa Yogananda is the perfect tool for developing the concentration needed for practicing meditation. Its purpose is to help still the mind by calming the breath and focusing on the mantra Hong (rhymes with song)-Sau (rhymes with saw), which means “I am Spirit”.

What is Hong-Sau technique?

After inhaling and exhaling completely, as the next breath comes in, mentally say Hong (rhymes with song). Then, as you exhale, mentally say Sau (rhymes with saw). Hong-Sau means “I am He” or “I am Spirit”. Make no attempt to control your breathing, just let its flow be completely natural.

Why Hong-Sau works?

Repeating the Hong-Sau mantra not only gives the mind a point of focus, its Sanskrit syllables stimulate the chakras and have a vibratory connection with the breath, thereby calming it. Yogis say that on a subtle level “Hong-Sau” is the very sound made by the astral breath.

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How do you do an Aum technique?

How to practice:

  1. Sit in a comfortable meditation posture with dignity and ease.
  2. Take 3 deep breaths to interiorize your awareness.
  3. On your next exhale (outbreath), chant AUM slowly.
  4. Notice the silence and lingering vibration in your body during the inhale between two repetitions AUM chanting.

Why is meditation important spiritual?

In Alico’s opinion, it strengthens the mind-body connection. “Meditation encourages you to do everything with intention. When consistently meditating, you will be able to better listen to what your body needs,” she says. “When you choose to listen to your body, you’re naturally living a more mindful life.”

What is meditation spiritually?

What Is Spiritual Meditation? Spiritual meditation is an experience that takes you to the depths of who you are. You, as your real self, stripped of all the perceptions you had about yourself until that point in your life. In the process, you experience joy and peace. A feeling of love and light warms up your being.

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What is Hong-Sau Meditation technique?

Hong-Sau meditation technique: With eyelids completely closed or half closed, focus your gaze on the third eye, between the eyebrows. From that center of concentration and calmness, mentally watch the natural flow of your breath coming in and going out. Do not in any way use mental force or will to draw your breath in or to send it out.

What is Hong-Sau and how to do it?

Whenever you have a few moments practise Hong-Sau and then feel the peace – talk to the Guru. Master called Hong-Sau the “baby Kriya”. Hong-Sau deals with the breath and the life force and it has a remarkable calming effect. ‘Hong’ and ‘Sau’ have a vibratory connection with the incoming and outgoing breath.

What are “Hong” and “Sau” in Sanskrit?

“Hong” and “Sau” are sacred Sanskrit words that have a vibratory connection with the incoming and outgoing breath and they have a calming effect on the breath. Breath and mind are very much interrelated. Calm breath automatically brings about a calm mind.

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Can we practice Hong-Sau when walking?

But do not practice Hong-Sau when walking because it is a conflict – we need energy in the muscles in order to walk, not to take the energy inward. Paramahansa Yogananda said: “All men and women should remember that their worldly life can be freed from endless physical and mental ills if they add deep meditation to their daily routine of living.”