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What is indirect machine gun fire?

What is indirect machine gun fire?

Indirect fire is aiming and firing a projectile without relying on a direct line of sight between the gun and its target, as in the case of direct fire. Aiming is performed by calculating azimuth and inclination, and may include correcting aim by observing the fall of shot and calculating new angles.

Who invented indirect fire?

Milton W. Humphreys
18-year-old Corp. Milton W. Humphreys, a Confederate gunner, invented the concept of indirect artillery fire and put his ideas into action when targeting a Union fortress in Fayetteville. Although it had a minimal effect on that day’s battle, it has had significant impact on modern warfare and battle strategy.

Are missiles indirect fire?

The projectile, rocket, missile, and bomb are the weapons of indirect-fire systems. Indirect fire can cause casualties to troops, inhibit mobility, suppress or neutralize weapon systems, damage equipment and installations, and demoralize the enemy.

Do tanks fire artillery?

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Tanks intended specifically for infantry support (the infantry tanks), expected to take out emplacements and infantry concentrations, carried large calibre weapons to fire large high-explosive shells—though these could be quite effective against other vehicles at close ranges.

What battle drill is react to indirect fire?

071-326-0510 (SL1) – React to Indirect Fire While Dismounted

Performance Measures GO
1. Shouted “incoming” in a loud, easily recognizable voice.
2. Looked to leader for additional instructions.
3. Remained in defensive position (if appropriate), making no unnecessary movements that could alert the enemy to your location.

What is indirect fire Army?

Indirect fire weapons include artillery units equipped with either field guns (howitzers), or heavy mortars. Artillery is that part of an army that controls the bigger, long range weapons, formerly referred to as cannons. The projectile, rocket, missile, and bomb are the weapons of indirect-fire systems. …