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What is inequality in modern society?

What is inequality in modern society?

Social inequality refers to disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income as well as between the overall quality and luxury of each person’s existence within a society, while economic inequality is caused by the unequal accumulation of wealth; social inequality exists because the lack of wealth in …

How was European society divided since the Middle Ages?

Social: Europe was divided by the Feudal system. In which a majority of the population was unskilled workers, peasant or serfs and mostly worked in the fields, and them a very small skilled working class. Above them where Vassals or knights, who kept the peasants in line and provided protection for the Lord.

What was one of the main features of society during the medieval period?

The main feature of a medieval feudal society was a strict class order. At the very top were kings and queens.

What were influences on medieval society?

Medieval literature is best understood in the context of three powerful influences on medieval society: feudalism, the church, and a code of conduct called chivalry.

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What are some examples of inequality in society today?

20 Facts About U.S. Inequality that Everyone Should Know

  • Wage Inequality.
  • Homelessness.
  • Occupational Sex Segregation.
  • Racial Gaps in Education.
  • Racial Discrimination.
  • Child Poverty.
  • Residential Segregation.
  • Health Insurance.

What was medieval society based on?

The medieval society was primarily Christian, agrarian, and feudal in nature. While the Church played a significant role in shaping the society, subsistence farming was a dominant way of life in the early 14th century. In addition, a feudal social hierarchy also existed in the communities.

Who made up medieval society?

Medieval society was feudal, based on a rigid hierarchy and divided into three orders, or social classes: the nobles, the clergy and the peasants.