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What is Jordans culture?

What is Jordans culture?

The culture of Jordan] is based in Arabic and Islamic elements. Jordan stands at the intersection of the three continents of the ancient world, lending it geographic and population diversity. Notable aspects of the culture include traditional music and clothing of Jordan, and interest in sports.

What is the traditional costume of Jordan?

The traditional outfit typically worn by men is made of a one-piece full-body covering dress, called a “Dishdashah” or “Thoub”, and a head cover called “kuffiyeh” which is red and white and it is strongly associated with the country and its heritage, where it is known as the “Shemagh”.

What is the culture of Jordan Middle East?

Jordan is a Muslim country where Islam is the major practiced religion. Jordanians take pride in applying Islamic teachings in their daily lives and perceive religion as a personal spiritual journey. The religious experience is an individual choice that everyone enjoys in his own way.

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Is dating allowed in Jordan?

Dating and sex are no longer so taboo. Back in Jordan, a wave of child abandonments last year prompted one medical official to call for lifting the ban on abortion in Jordan, a topic so taboo here it’s generally considered outside the realm of discussion.

Is drinking in Jordan illegal?

Jordan is a conservative society. You should dress modestly and behave courteously. It’s illegal to drink alcohol on the street but permissible in bars, clubs, hotels and private homes.

Do girls go to school in Jordan?

There is no specific gender disparity in Jordanian primary schools. Over 94 percent of girls attend school compared to 95 percent of boys. Girls in rural areas are just as likely as girls in urban areas to attend school. Around 13 percent of girls in Jordan marry before turning 18 years of age.

Can you hug in Jordan?

You might be surprised to see male locals greeting each other with hugs and kisses on the cheeks – the same goes for females, as this is a socially acceptable method of greeting. On the other hand, it is frowned on for couples to show affection in public, from holding hands to kissing.