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What is lymphovascular and perineural invasion?

What is lymphovascular and perineural invasion?

Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) refers to the involvement of small lymphatic or blood (typically venous) vessels by tumor [3]. Perineural invasion (PNI) refers to the growth of tumor in, around, and through nerves and nerve sheaths [4], [5].

Does Lymphovascular invasion mean cancer has spread?

Lymphovascular invasion in patients with breast cancer can cause the cancer to spread in other parts of the body. This is because the cancer cells can spread anywhere in the body through the lymph or blood. The process is known as metastasis.

What is Lymphovascular invasion in cancer?

Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) is defined as the presence of tumor cells within a definite endothelial-lined space (lymphatics or blood vessels) in the breast surrounding invasive carcinoma. The presence of LVI is associated with an increased risk of axillary lymph node and distant metastases.

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Is perineural invasion bad?

Perineural invasion (PNI) can be found in a variety of malignant tumors. It is a sign of tumor metastasis and invasion and portends the poor prognosis of patients.

Is perineural invasion metastasis?

Perineural invasion (PNI) is the process of neoplastic invasion of nerves and is an under-recognized route of metastatic spread.

What does no lymphovascular invasion mean?

If your report does not mention vascular or lymphovascular invasion, it means it is not present. Even with vascular invasion your cancer could still be very curable depending on other factors. How this finding will affect your specific treatment is best discussed with your treating doctor.

What does positive for lymphovascular invasion mean?

Because lymphovascular invasion is an important prognostic marker, most pathology reports for cancer will say whether lymphovascular invasion was seen in the tissue sample. Positive for lymphovascular invasion means that it was seen in the tissue examined.

Can perineural invasion be cured?

Even with perineural invasion your cancer could still be very curable depending on other factors. In some cases, it may affect treatment and in other cases it has no significance. How this finding will affect your specific treatment is best discussed with your treating doctor.

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How is perineural invasion treated?

Patients with perineural invasion carry a much higher risk for local and distant recurrence and may require more aggressive treatment including Mohs micrographic surgery and adjuvant radiation.

What does Lymphovascular invasion mean?

Lymphovascular invasion (LVI), which is defined as the presence of malignant cells within vascular or lymphatic spaces, is the major prerequisite for cancer progression and distant metastasis development [4-6].

What does it mean lymphovascular invasion?