Popular lifehacks

What is meant by besetting sin?

What is meant by besetting sin?

Definition of besetting sin : a main or constant problem or fault My besetting sin is a fondness for sweets.

What does sorcery mean in the Bible?

1 : the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining : necromancy.

How do you tell someone out of control?

synonyms for out of control

  1. carried away.
  2. disorderly.
  3. out of hand.
  4. rebellious.
  5. uncontrollable.
  6. ungovernable.
  7. unmanageable.
  8. unruly.

What does loom large mean?

Definition of loom large : to have great importance or influence Rising tuition costs loom large in the minds of many parents. She was a critic who loomed large in literary circles.

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What does it mean to willfully sin?

A wilful sin is is an intentional sin that is premeditated or planned. In Hebrews 10:26 it says if we sin wilfully after we have received a knowledge of the truth we trample the blood of Jesus under our feet and there remained no more sacrifice for sins.

Can you explain to me what willful sin is?

Willful sin is a purposeful choice to sin, even though you know God is against it and that you should not do it. It means you are putting your will above God’s. Parents often see this in their own children. There are times they are disobedient because they forgot, or the lure of doing something they knew they shouldn’t was just too strong.

Can willful sin be forgiven?

Obviously if you don’t believe in Jesus as the Christ, you can’t be forgiven and you can’t be saved. After salvation, we Christians still struggle with sins. This is confirmed many places but first John specifically says that any Christian who says he doesn’t sin is a liar. Also, ALL sin is willful.

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What does the Bible say about deliberate sin?

A very tough verse in the Bible regarding “deliberate” sin is found in Hebrews 10:26. “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of truth, no sacrifice for sins is left.”.