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What is meant by cyclic prefix?

What is meant by cyclic prefix?

In telecommunications, the term cyclic prefix refers to the prefixing of a symbol, with a repetition of the end. It provides a guard interval to eliminate intersymbol interference from the previous symbol.

What is extended cyclic prefix in LTE?

Adding cyclic prefix to the transmitted signal to create a signal that appears to be just like circular convolution and this is done by copying the last part of each OFDM symbol to the front of each symbol with the length of a guard interval, to form a cyclic prefix (CP).

What are the typical values of LTE cyclic prefix?

Normal CP : with a duration of 4.7 microseconds. To be used in the first case described above. Equivalent to 7 symbols per slot. Note: In Normal CP, we have a different case, where we have 160 time slots for the first symbol (5.2 micro seconds) and 144 for the others (4.7 microseconds).

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How is cyclic prefix calculated?

Therefore, the number of samples allocated for cyclic prefix can be calculated as Ncp=Tcp*N/T, where N is the FFT/IFFT length, T is the IFFT/FFT period and Tcp is the duration of cyclic prefix.

What is ISI in LTE?

What is the multipath? Due to the signal propagation phenomena, like reflection or diffraction, a receiver can receive several delayed versions of the same signal. This creates Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI).

What is cyclic prefix in 5g?

Cyclic prefix (CP) refers to the prefixing of a symbol, with a repetition of the end In OFDM wireless systems. The receiver is typically configured to discard the cyclic prefix samples A CP can be used to counter the effects of multipath propagation. The basics of CP is available in following post.

What is extended cyclic prefix in 5G?

Me: Extended CP (Cyclic Prefix), ECP, refers to the usage of longer guard period between symbols than normal CP (NCP). The NCP is specified for all SCS whereas the ECP is currently only specified for the 60 kHz SCS.

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What is ISI and ICI?

The ISI and ICI are the short forms of Inter Symbol Interference and Inter Carrier Interference respectively. As we know when the radio frequency(RF) signal consisting of electro-magnetic waves are transmitted through the air, it will be interfered by other RF signals transmitted from nearby cellular towers.

How many subcarriers are in 5G?

5G NR can choose subcarrier spacing from 15kHz to 240kHz, with a maximum 3300 subcarriers in simultaneous use on one channel.

How do you calculate subcarriers in LTE?

Starts here3:14How to calculate Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) in LTE for a Given …YouTube