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What is meant by Entomophilous flowers?

What is meant by Entomophilous flowers?

Insect-fertilizable or Entomophilous flowers are those which are sought by insects, for pollen or for nectar, or for both. Entomophilous: insect-loving: applied to plants especially adapted for pollination by insects.

What are Entomophilous and Anemophilous flowers?

Anemophily are those flowers in which pollination is carried out by wind. Entomophily are those flowers in which pollination is carried out by insects.

What is an example of Entomophilous?

Entomophilous flowers are usually brightly coloured and scented and often secrete nectar. Other examples of entomophilous flowers are orchids and antirrhinums.

Which flowers are called as Entomophilous flowers?

Entomophilous flower are those flower in which cross pollination taking place by means of external insect. Insect pollinated flower is known as Entomophilous. For example Jasmine, Rafflesia, euphorbia, bougainvillea salvia, fig, Viola, etc are good insect pollinated flower.

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What is pollination by ants called?

Pollination by the agency of ants is called myrmecophily. Pollination by bats, insects and birds are called cleiropterophily, entomophily and ornithophily respectively.

Is wind a pollinator?

Wind pollinating plants release billions of pollen grains into the air so that a lucky few will hit their targets on other plants. Many of the world’s most important crop plants are wind-pollinated.

What are the characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers?

The characteristic features of entomophilous flowers are as follows:

  • Flowers are generally large or if small they are aggregated in dense inflorescence.
  • Flowers are brightly coloured.
  • Flowers are scented and produce nectar.

Why are Anemophilous flowers not catchy?

Note: The anemophilous plants don’t produce flowers with scent or nectar. These features are present in insect-pollinated plants. The lightweight of the pollen grains makes it favorable for the wind to carry it. The non-sticky nature helps the wind to easily lift the pollen from the stamen.

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What is a Protandrous flower?

The condition in which the male reproductive organs (stamens) of a flower mature before the female ones (carpels), thereby ensuring that self-fertilization does not occur. Examples of protandrous flowers are ivy and rosebay willowherb.

What insect pollinates flowers?

Insect pollinators include bees, (honey bees, solitary species, bumblebees); pollen wasps (Masarinae); ants; flies including bee flies, hoverflies, blowflies and mosquitoes; lepidopterans, both butterflies and moths; and flower beetles.

What are the characteristic features of entomophilous flowers?

What is pollination by insects called?

Pollinators range from physical agents, especially the wind (wind pollination is called anemophily), or biotic agents such as insects, birds, bats and other animals (pollination by insects is called entomophily, by birds ornithophily, by bats chiropterophily).