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What is meant of polarizability?

What is meant of polarizability?

Polarizability usually refers to the tendency of matter, when subjected to an electric field, to acquire an electric dipole moment in proportion to that applied field. It is a property of all matter, inasmuch as matter is made up of elementary particles which have an electric charge, namely protons and electrons.

What is the formula of polarizability?

The formula of polarizability is given by $\alpha = \dfrac{p}{E}$. Where, p is the dipole moment and E is the electric field. The unit of dipole moment is Coulomb x distance = Cm. The unit of electric field is Newton per coulomb = N/C.

What is the unit of polarizability?

Polarizability has the SI units of C·m2·V-1 = A2·s4·kg-1 but is more often expressed as polarizabilty volume with units of cm3 or in Å3 = 10-24 cm3.

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What is polarization in chemistry?

(chemistry, physics) The separation of positive and negative charges in a nucleus, atom, molecule or system. The partial or complete polar separation of the positive and negative electric charges in a nuclear, atomic, molecular, or chemical system.

What is polarizability in Raman Spectroscopy?

In order for a vibrational transition to be Raman active, the molecule must undergo a change in polarizability during the vibration. Polarizability refers to the ease of distorting electrons from their original position.

What is polarizability in chemistry?

Polarizability is a measure of how easily an electron cloud is distorted by an electric field. Typically the electron cloud will belong to an atom or molecule or ion. Large, negatively charged ions, such as I- and Br-, are highly polarizable.

What is identity tensor?

The linear transformation which transforms every tensor into itself is called the identity. tensor. This special tensor is denoted by I so that, for example, aIa.

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What is polarization in ionic compounds?

Ionic bond is formed by transfer of electrons .As a result, the cation and anion are formed .So, cation formed distort the shape of electron cloud of anion as shown in figure: Distortion of electron cloud of the negatively charged ion by the positively charged ion is called Polarization.

What are polarized and depolarized Raman lines?

A Raman band whose depolarization ratio is less than 0.75 is called a polarized band, and a band with a depolarization ratio equal to or greater than 0.75 is called a depolarized band.

What is the meaning of electric polarizability?

Electric polarizability. Definition. Electric polarizability is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field.

Do I need to know what a tensor is?

But you should at least know what a tensor is. We emphasized in Chapter 30 that the properties of crystalline substances are different in different directions—we say they are anisotropic. The variation of the induced dipole moment with the direction of the applied electric field is only one example, the one we will use for our example of a tensor.

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What is linear polarizability of dipole moment?

The linear polarizability, α, describes the first-order response of the dipole moment with respect to external electric fields. The polarizability of a solute can be related to the dielectric constant of the solution through Debye’s equation and molar refractivity through the Clausius-Mosotti equation [1].

How do you find the total polarization of an electric field?

Any arbitrary electric field E can be resolved with the components Ex , Ey, and Ez ; from these we can use the αij to find Px , Py , and Pz, which together give the total polarization P. The set of nine coefficients αij is called a tensor —in this instance, the tensor of polarizability.