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What is my Chinese zodiac Capricorn?

What is my Chinese zodiac Capricorn?

CAPRICORN THE GOAT (born December 22 to January 20): He can also be stingy, pessimistic and cold. He is not the most social of creatures, and generally has few friends.

What star sign is November 2?

Scorpio (astrology)

Constellation Scorpius
Zodiac element Water
Zodiac quality Fixed
Sign ruler Mars (traditional), Pluto (modern)

What does Capricorn rule in astrology?

Capricorn rules the knees, joints, skeletal system, and teeth. Capricorns might like to crunch their way through foods or have something distinctive about their teeth.

What is Capricorn spirit animal?

Capricorn Spirit Animal: Alligator Like the alligator, you have a sort of primal energy when it comes to latching onto your “prey” — in other words, Capricorn, once you sink your teeth into something, nothing can shake your determination to get what you want.

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What is the Capricorn Dragon?

In Western astrology, Capricorns are born in December or January and in the Chinese zodiac, Dragons are born in the years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024.

Are Scorpio and Capricorn compatible?

Capricorn and Scorpio are a couple that finds worldly power sexy and they thrive when they support the other’s steps to mastery. But in the relationship, the model of shared power works best, and when that delicate balance is in place, this is an enduring match.

What is special of November 2nd?

All Souls’ Day is observed on 2nd November annually to honour the dead souls.

How do Capricorn and Scorpio get along?

Both signs have an ease with physical pleasure and are able to give in body and soul to the sensual moment. Water sign Scorpio and earth sign Capricorn find deep intimacy on every level, as things progress. Water and earth are sensual, receptive and affectionate, and both tend to be deeply loyal.

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Who will Capricorn marry?

Ultimately, Capricorns typically are most compatible with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces (via Compatible Astrology). The water signs tend to balance the earth in Capricorns, while their earth gives grounding to the water.

How compatible is Capricorn and Scorpio?