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What is non practicing allowance for doctors?

What is non practicing allowance for doctors?

7th Pay Commission Non Practicing Allowance payable to Central Government Doctors in Medical and Veterinary Posts – 20\% of Basic Pay – DA is payable on NPA. Non Practicing Allowance is a special kind of allowance payable to Doctors occupying the posts of Medical and Veterinary Services.

What is the percentage of the salary being paid in the form of NPA to doctors?

Non Practicing Allowance (NPA), at the rate of 25 percent of Basic Pay, is paid to medical doctors occupying posts for which minimum qualification of a medical degree is prescribed.

What is non practicing allowance Quora?

A non practice allowance(NPA) is a special allowance given to doctors employed by the central government (of India) and certain State governments. The reason behind why it is only given to doctors and not other professions would be conjecture on my part.

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Is dearness allowance exempted?

Dearness Allowance: Dearness Allowance (DA) is an allowance paid to employees as a cost of living adjustment allowance paid to the employees to cope with inflation. DA paid to employees is fully taxable with salary. This is called overtime and any allowance received for this is fully taxable.

How is non practice allowance calculated?

Fixation of Pay for Medical Officers who are drawing Non Practicing Allowance (NPA)

  1. Existing Pay Band : PB-3.
  2. Existing Grade Pay : 5400.
  3. Existing pay in Pay Band : 15600.
  4. Existing Basic Pay : 21000.
  5. 25\% NPA on Basic Pay : 5250.
  6. DA on NPA@ 125\% : 6563.
  7. Pay after multiplication by a fitment factor of 2.57: 21000 x 2.57 = 53970.

Is non Practising allowance taxable?

Project Allowance: When an employer provides an allowance to employees to meet project expenses, this is also fully taxable. Non-Practicing Allowance: When physicians are attached to Clinical Centers of the various Laboratories/Institutes, any non-practicing allowance paid to them become fully taxable.

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Can government doctor do private practice?

As per rules, doctors in government service can do private practice post-working hours in a government hospital, but are debarred from owning clinics, or conducting private practice from government premises.

Is NPA part of basic pay for pension?

NPA granted to medical officers does not form part of the Pay Bands/scales of pay. It is a separate element, although it is taken into account for the purpose of computation of pension.