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What is nuclear force and characteristics?

What is nuclear force and characteristics?

Nuclear force is the force that binds the neutrons and protons in a nucleus together. The following are the few characteristics of nuclear force : – 1. It is attractive in nature but with a repulsive core. That is the reason that the nucleus is held together without collapsing in itself.

What are the two characteristics of nuclear force?

(i) Nuclear forces are short range attractive forces. (ii) Nuclear forces are charge – independent.

What are the characteristics of strong interaction?

In general, the strong interaction is very complicated interaction, because it significantly varies with distance. In strong interactions the quarks exchange gluons, the carriers of the strong force. Gluons carry the color charge of the strong nuclear force.

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What do you mean by strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental forces in nature; the other three are gravity, electromagnetism and the weak force. As its name implies, the strong force is the strongest force of the four. It is responsible for binding together the fundamental particles of matter to form larger particles.

What is an example of strong nuclear force?

The examples of strong nuclear force are the force that binds protons and neutrons in nuclei of atoms. The elements heavier than the hydrogen atom. The fusion of hydrogen into helium in the sun’s core.

What are the most important attributes characteristics of strong forces?

The strong force binds quarks together in clusters to make more-familiar subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons. It also holds together the atomic nucleus and underlies interactions between all particles containing quarks.

What is the relative strength of strong nuclear force?

Figure 3. The image shows a Feynman diagram for the exchange of a π+ between a proton and a neutron, carrying the strong nuclear force between them….Table 1. Properties of the Four Basic Forces.

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Force Weak force
Approximate relative strength 10−13
Range <10−18 m
+/− +/−
Carrier particle W+, W–, Z0 (observed)

What creates the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is created between nucleons by the exchange of particles called mesons. If a proton or neutron can get closer than this distance to another nucleon, the exchange of mesons can occur, and the particles will stick to each other.