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What is OED stand for?

What is OED stand for?

Oxford English Dictionary
British Dictionary definitions for OED OED. abbreviation for. Oxford English Dictionary.

What does OED stand for in business?


Acronym Definition
OED Office of the Executive Director
OED Organization and Employee Development (various locations)
OED Old English Dictionary
OED Office of Entrepreneurial Development (various organizations)

How do I use the OED?

How to use the OED

  1. Choose ‘Dictionary’ from the Browse panel.
  2. A list of entries beginning with A, n. is displayed.
  3. Browse the list using the cursor and/or Next » and « Previous.
  4. To view an entry from the list, click on its headword.

What is an OED entry?

The principal components of an OED dictionary entry are the spelling, etymology, pronunciation, illustrative quotations, and definition(s).

WHO publishes the OED?

Oxford University Press
Oxford English Dictionary

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Seven of the twenty volumes of the printed second edition of The Oxford English Dictionary (1989)
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 1884–1928 (first edition) 1989 (second edition) Third edition in preparation

Is OED free?

Access the new OED Online free and from home using your local library’s subscription. The OED is also available worldwide via the libraries of universities, colleges, schools, and others institutions.

How do I get the OED for free?

Most libraries offer remote access. This means that, if you are a member of your local library, you can access the OED Online for free anywhere you have internet access. Just enter your library membership number (on your library card) in the box provided on the OED homepage under Library account.

How many editors were added in OED dictionary?

Over seventy editors work on updating the text of the dictionary for its Third Edition (2000-). Every three months the entire OED database is republished online, with new words added for the first time and older entries revised according the exacting standards of modern historical lexicography.