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What is OPNO category?

What is OPNO category?

OPNO Category means open category with no sub category. It means open counseling without any quota and weightage. It’s just a new term instead of general filling of seats.

Which rank is considered in Upsee Counselling?

Every rank is eligible for counselling. If you are having any category like OBC/ BC/SC/ST, your category rank will be considered while counselling. But if you are opting for Tuition fee waiver , then your general rank will be considered. First 2 counsellings are based on gen category , 3rd for obc and 4th for sc .

What is Upbc?

Other Backward Classes (UPBC): Candidates who fall under the other backward classes (OBC) category as per the guidelines laid down by the Government of India can apply for admissions under this category. In UPSEE, 27\% seats are reserved for candidates falling under the OBC category.

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What is Opgl in UPSEE?

OPGL means general category girls quota in UPSEE.

What is BCNO in UPSEE?

Hi I see only the following categories in UPSEE seat matrix given officially. BCNO – BC with no sub category. BCPH – BC Physically handicapped.

What is AI category in UPSEE?

i.e. if HS means HOME STATE(UP) & AI means ALL INDIA ( other than UP) The two middle two alphabets represent your category i.e. BC means OBC ( OTHER BACKWARD CLASS ) ,SC means SCHEDULE CAST , ST means SCHEDULE TRIBES ,OP means OPEN CATEGORY ( GENERAL CATEGORY).

What is Opgl category?

What is BCGL in UPSEE?

Hello. So, BC means Backward Caste quota and BCGL means Backward Caste for girl quota. These are just category codes assigned to candidates who get reservation seats in the competitive examinations.

Are UPSEE and UPSEE same?

UPTU entrance exam 2022, also known as UPSEE 2022 is organized to provide admissions in UG or PG programmes offered by various colleges located in Uttar Pradesh state. UPTU entrance exam is held for admission to first year courses (B.

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